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1. Kelav Shel Lokaiach 2. A Get thrown in the public domain 3. Me'akev
4. In Her Bed 5. מחצה על מחצה שניהם יחלוקו

Paul Goldstein asked:

Chashuvah Rabbanan:

The mishna says it's m'akev that he makes an amirah "Ha Gitcha."

How come in the previous cases like by "Chaika" or by "Kalasa" or any previous case of zerika, the Gemara didn't specificy the amirah chiyuv? Why wait until now to tell us, that if she's sleeping and he leaves it there and she reads it later when she wakes up it's no good? Shouldnt this amirah or declaration factor have been addressed earlier to show that it is absolutely necessary in conjunction with an amirah, mkol makom?

Shanah Tova Umesukah,



The Kollel replies:

I do not think there is any significance in the fact that Rebbi left this law until now. This law is a law which applies to the order of the giving of the Get and this Perek discusses these laws. The Meiri at the beginning of this Perek explains that this law follows on from Mishnah at the beginning of the Perek that discusses the giving of the Get.

Dov Freedman