More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Yehudah's proof about a Neder made b'Rabim 2. "Rabim" as only 3; contradiction in Tosfos 3. Giv'onim
4. Ailonis

Szyszko, Nathan, Mr, DCAA asks:

Are the givonim chivi or emori. In yeshoshua 9,posuk 7 the impression is chivi but Shmuel 2,chapter 21 about wanting nekoma on baiis shaul it says they are yeser haemori. Yerushalmi ,msechta kiddushin,perek 4,halacha 1,daf 43,amud alef the gemorah says that they only acted like chivi beormah the korban haadah says they acted like chivi,beormah but they are really yeser emori. Please clarify if possible.

Thank you

The Kollel replies:

This is in fact the question of the Talmud Yerushalmi in Kidushin, which asks that there is a contradiction between the verse in Yehoshua 9:7, which states that they are "Chivi," and the verse in Shmuel II 21:2, which states that they are "Yeser Emori." To resolve this contradiction, the Yerushalmi answers that they were in fact Emori but were merely called "Chivi," because they behaved like "Chivi." "Chivi" is the Aramaic word for "snake," and this is a good description of the deceptive way they acted, as deception is considered the trait of the snake.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom