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1. Rebbi Yehudah's proof about a Neder made b'Rabim 2. "Rabim" as only 3; contradiction in Tosfos 3. Giv'onim
4. Ailonis

shimi sonnenfeld asked:

(a) Why does r.nachman say 3, so what if yomim beis and rabim gimel, rabim is
also 5,6,7,8? just because plural is 2, whats behind r,nachamn?

(b) Also in the tosofs "r nachman bar yitzchok omar shlosho" the gemora only
says r.nachman and in tosofs daf lamad alaf omud bei, divrei hamaskil "ono
loh tzricha noh" tosofs says that stum r,nachman is r.nachman bar yackov
while rashi says stum r.nachman is r.nachman bar yitzchok, so its steera

shimi sonnenfeld, london, england

The Kollel replies:

(a) He says that it is 3 because of the general principle, "Tafasta Merubah Lo Tafasta." Therefore, he learns from the extra word only 1 additional day, and not more. Now that we see that "Rabim" means three (specifically with regard to Zavah), the same applies to a Neder that was made "b'Rabim" -- this also refers to three.

(b) The words "bar Yitzchak" in Tosfos are apparently an error and they should be omitted. Indeed, the Tosfos ha'Rosh, whose words are almost identical to those of Tosfos here, does not have the words "bar Yitzchak."

M. Kornfeld