More Discussions for this daf
1. Mikdash and Korbanot 2. Tosfos DH Lisa Shifchah 1 3. Half Slave
4. Ha'Kol l'Asuyei Mai 5. Second answer on 2b 6. Lo Tohu Bera'ah
7. Ravina 8. A Freed Eved 9. Re'iyah
10. ha'Kol Chayavin 11. חרש דומיא דשוטה וקטן

Joseph Kayeri asks:


Id like to know how to understand Rashi, as understood by tosfos in hava amina that Rashi sustains that only reiyat panim is regarded by the mishnah. Korban is no mentioned at all. How to hnderstand if so the isur of lo yerau panai rekam?! Obviously, because of this isur, Rashi also sustains that whoever is obligated in reiyat panim is obligated in the korban reiyah.... what is the undestanding of the Mishnah according to the hava amina of Tosfot in Rashi?

Joseph Kayeri, Sao paulo, brazil

The Kollel replies:

Dear Joseph,

The Havah Amina is that the Mishnah relates only to the obligation of coming to the Azarah/Mikdash and that would mean women, children, and Teme'im are not obligated to come to the Azarah. It also means that the Mishnah does not get involved with the Korban Olah of Re'iyah, which could be (and actually is) necessary ("Lo Yavo'u Reikam") but the Mishnah does not deal with it.

Then, Tosfos says that Rashi is wrong since the word "Re'iyah" includes the Korban, and if so the Mishnah is relating to the obligation of Korban (and therefore also means that women, children, and Teme'im are free from a Korban). Then, it follows that the Mishnah does not relate to a lower obligation of coming to the Azarah, even without a Korban, and maybe there is such a requirement for women, children, etc.

In the end, Tosfos proves that Rashi is speaking about both points at the same time -- coming to the Azarah, as he writes, and obviously also to the Korban, which is linked to the coming.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner