More Discussions for this daf
1. The Bas Kol heard by Acher 2. Everyone Has Two Portions, One in Eden, and one in Gehennim 3. Acher
4. Tohu 5. Ben Abuya 6. Acher doing Teshuvah
7. Rebbi Meir as the Talmid of Acher 8. Zemer Yevani 9. Acher and Rebbi Meir
10. The source for Acher's heresy 11. Did Acher ever get to Gan Eden? 12. Bechirah
13. R. Yochanan & Acher

Barry Leff asked:

In the story about Acher and R. Meir which appears in the Midrash, Acher does do teshuva before he dies; the version in our Gemara is quite different. Any thoughts on why he does teshuva in the Midrash and not in the Gemara? My guess was that with the Gemara presumably being later the rabbis had some other motivations for not wanting to see Acher do teshuva at the very end.

The Kollel replies:

The story in the Midrash, as recorded here by Tosfos in the name of the Yerushalmi, does not say clearly that Acher did Teshuvah before he died. Rather, it says merely that he cried before he died. Rebbi Meir judged him favorably and said that "it appears that he repented." It says there, though, that a flame descended from the heavens and burned his grave, and thus even if he did do Teshuvah, it was not a complete and absolute Teshuvah.
