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10. ha'Kol Chayavin 11. חרש דומיא דשוטה וקטן

Joseph Kayeri asks:


Id like to know if that which tosfot say that he cannot sell itself as an eved and become a full eved because he is a ger, if it is davka an eved knaani that is considered a ger after becoming free, or if also a eved ivri is considered a ger.

If the first assumption is correct, why does tosfot understand the gemara to be discussing davka a case of eved knaani?

Joseph Kayeri, Sao paulo

The Kollel replies:

Be careful not to confuse an Eved Kena'ani with an Eved Ivri regarding Gerus. A non-Jew becomes a "partial" Jew when he becomes an Eved Kena'ani, and he can later choose to complete the Gerus process when he is freed. An Eved Ivri was Jewish before he became an Eved Ivri and his Jewish status does not change when he becomes an Eved Ivri.

Avraham Phillips