More Discussions for this daf
1. The Chachamim's translation of "Bera'am" 2. Greek Translation 3. Was Talmai Hamelech's 72 Torahs Kosher?
4. Torah in Greek 5. Translating the Torah to Greek 6. The story of the 72 sages who translated the Torah into Greek
7. a Translation or Transliteration? . 8. Kedushas ha'Mikdash 9. שמעתי כשהיו בונים בהיכל עשו קלעים

y bran asks:

did Ptolemy II Philadelphus ask the jews a translation or transliteration? .

y bran, monroe ny

The Kollel replies:

According to the Talmudic sources, Ptolemy was interested in a Greek translation of the Torah.

Be well,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf