the gemara states that one might think one is poter for burning his friend's gadish because it is rare for one to be negligent with fire next to it. i understood that therefore one might think the torah applied a potur always; even if one was negligent.Rashi says "deica lmaiemar onus hu" , what does Rashi mean? if he means that i may draw an incorrect conclusion as to what occurred, are we not relying on eidim to verify exactly what happened? please explain thank you
Aschi, Toronto Ontario
Perhaps Rashi means that if it would only have said Kotzim I would have thought that the Torah gives the example of Kotzim because the Torah only meant to obligate a person who was Poshe'ah similar to the case of Kotzim. Rashi means that we could say that the case the Torah refers to is a case of Peshi'ah.
Dov Freedman