More Discussions for this daf
1. If the Torah would only write Gadish ...... 2. King David's Questions 3. Responsibility of Guardianship in Piku'ach Nefesh
4. Ru'ach Metzuyah 5. If the Torah would only write Gadish ...... 6. Grama b'Nezikin
7. King David's question 8. Torah's Chidush of Gadish being Chayav with Esh 9. Torah's explicit mention of all items by Esh
10. Giving fire to a Katan 11. Mah she'Nehenis 12. Causation is exempt with respect to damages
13. השולח את הבערה ואכלה עצים או אבנים או עפר ברש"י 14. הערות ברש"י לגבי סכסכה אבניו 15. הערה ברש"י לגבי סכסכה אבניו

chaim mordechai mittel asked:

not really a question. i think someone made a mistake (letter d)in()it says rabbi yehuda says your putor but rabbi yehuda holds your chayiv on tumune buashe

chaim mordechai mittel, n.y. america

The Kollel replies:

Yes, you are correct. It should read:

(c) Answer #1 (Rava): He wanted to know if the Halachah follows R. Yehudah
regarding burning something that was concealed (one is liable), or if it
follows Chachamim (who exempt).

We will change the archives.