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4. v'Chichesh and v'Nasan 5. 22 Years to Answer Question 6. מאי לאו בשעמד בדין

Bernard Kahan asked:

Sholom Ubrochoh

In the sugya of Rabbah and Abaye as regards the machloikes of the Rabbonon and Rav Shimon the Gemoro comments that "Omar Rovo ..." that basically this was a Kasha for 22 years and Rashi tells us this is linked to the Gemoro at the end of Brochos in Perek Haroeh 64a with the famous Machlokes of Rabbah and Rav Yoisef who is geater Oiker Horim or Sinai.

I seem to remember that either the Gro of Sifsei Chachomim in the Sugya in Brochos has a link between Pshat in the Gemoro in Haroeh and the incident of the Gemoro in Kesuvos 42b. But my question is the Loshon of Rashi here in D.H.Esrin in Kesuvos 42b

a) Stam what does "Yemay Serroso Shel Rabboh" mean is this linked to the Hakozos Hadam mentioned in Haroeh?

b) What does Rashi mean in his Loshon of "Vesiyuhu Min Hashmayim" I thought we Pasken "Torah Loy Shabemayim He" and surely Rav Yoisef would want to Davern for this Siyata Dishmaya that is what we are told in Mussar Seforim and the Derech of Bnei Yisroel is to be Mispallel for anything so Rashi should have said that Rav Yosef Daverned and then he got Siyato Dishmaya to take over once Rabbah was Niftar.

Rashi seems to imply that just Stam Azoy Shomayim helped Rav Yoisef without him asking for it.

Is this right? I wonder whether the Kollel has any Biur or Heoros on this Rashi

Kol Tuv and Good Shabbos

Boruch Kahan

The Kollel replies:

a) It means "the days of Rabah's rule (time of leadership as Rosh Yeshivah)."

b) Rashi is saying that he got a special Siyata Dishmaya to answer the question. He didn't necessarily Daven for it. It was something which Hakadosh Baruch Hu wanted to happen in order that Rav Yosef should have a name as an appropriate Rosh Yeshivah after the long time Rosh Yeshivah, Rabah, had died. It seems clear that Rashi is saying that being that Rabah was very sharp, people would be sad that they now only had Rav Yosef, who was not known to be as sharp as Rabah (though I'm sure he was quite sharp himself). They would feel that they would not be able to get a good answer to their difficult questions. Hash-m wanted people to respect Rav Yosef for the great Talmid Chacham that he was, and therefore gave him the inspiration to give a sharp answer to a question that Rabah could not answer. [This has nothing to do with "Lo ba'Shamayim Hi" which tells us not to listen to a Bas Kol.]

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose