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19. harmful effects of olive oil 20. The blessing for olive oil 21. Shirah of the Levi'im
22. ברכת על הגפן

mendy asked:

I am wondering what are the harmful effects that drinking oil by itself has; especially olive oil which seems to be natural and is fatty buty not does not seem to be any more deleterious than any other food. also -why is there no makor brought down by the brayta for thsi 'chiddush' and why do all accept without question. Thank you for your help.

mendy, nyc, Usa

The Kollel replies:

In general, all the Gemaros which refer to medical issues are based on the accepted medical truths of the time of the Gemara, unless another source is cited.

In specific, I am not a doctor but my understanding is that the chemical makeup (specifically its unctuous viscousness) of oil, in addition to the fact that it is not miscible with water, makes it undigestible by the human digestive system in large quantities, and thus it can be harmful. A small quantity (such as the amount used for dipping bread into) can be beneficial, primarily when the olive oil is cold-pressed (since heat makes the oil hydrogenized, making it a source of large amounts of unhealthy cholesterol). The best way to find out is to swallow a cup of olive oil and see how you feel afterwards.

D. Z. and Y. S.