1)Hash-m doesn't take shochad.
2)You show them favor.
3)How can I not; they bentch on a k'zayis/k'betza
Question: isn't then the bentching shochad. We "bribe" Hash-m with the bentching. He let's Himself be influenced to give us special treatment in deference to our bentching.
jeff solomon, cleveland, oh
If Yisrael "bentched" in order to gain favors from Hash-m, that would be Shochad. But if they do so because they love Hash-m and want to praise Him, that is not Shochad, and Hash-m is perfectly entitled to reciprocate and demonstrate His love for them. "Ani l'Dodi v'Dodi li!"
B'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler