More Discussions for this daf
1. Cities that are near walled cities 2. 13 Adar 3. Questions
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7. Reading the Megilah on the 15th of Adar 8. Reading the Megilah 9. When the Megilah may be read on the 11th, 12th, and 13th
10. "Mentazpach" Tzofim Amarum 11. The end-letters MeNaTZPaCH 12. Rebbi Yehudah
13. Women Who Reside in the Kefarim 14. Heichan Remizah? 15. Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korchah argues with Rebbi Akiva?
16. End Letters 17. Tosfos 18. Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Korcha's Rebbe
19. Gezeirah Shavah of Perazi 20. Issues of Beis Din 21. Menatzpa"Ch
22. Various Questions 23. Ta'anis Esther in villages 24. Limiting the reading of the Megillah to the 14th
25. Walled city 26. רש״י ד״ה כדכתיב להיות עושים 27. תענית אסתר בכפרים

Yeshaiah Abrahams asks:

Dear Rabbi

I am stuck in the herdest Tos' in Megllah. The MAHARSHA ans something but I didn't fgure out what. my q is in R"T: the flow doesn't seem understood, is he speaking about Shabbos or Megillah, b/c in the cheshbon it doesn't seem to be either

Thank you

Yeshaiah Abrahams, Beitar Israel

The Kollel replies:

Rabeinu Tam is speaking about Megilah here, and gives the same explanation as the beginning of Tosfos.

After the first part explaining Tzofim, Tosfos explains the steps of the Gemara. "V'Tisbera" -- is a question for both sides whether Tzofim is closed letters or open. "V'Od" -- is a question only if Tzofim is closed. With the final answer of "Mehavei Havei" (that both the closed and open form of letters existed from the beginning), then Rebbi Yirmeyah can even be understood with Tzofim as closed. Then, Rabeinu Tam sums up, that in Megilah the Gemara asks from Rav Chisda assuming that he means closed, since if the question is possible then the Gemara asks it. The next question of Eleh ha'Mitzvos is a question on both sides. He concludes that in both Shabbos and Megilah, in the end Rebbi Yirmeyah can be talking about closed or open.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner