On this daf there is a story about the children of Rav Chiya who were pained because they forgot their learning when going out to work on their family fields (that's the way I understand it).
How did they learn after the Mishnoyos were written down? Memory, scrolls? If it was memory they sure had a lot to remember. How did people learn?
Dovid Kent, Kew Garden Hills, NY 11367
Dear Dovid,
(a) Originally, Torah she'Ba'al Peh was learned totally by memory, with countless reviews. (If Hash-m so commanded, it is humanly possible to remember it!)
(b) After the Mishnayos were written down (see Bava Metzia 33b and Rashi DH b'Yemei Rebbi) for the reason) and became easier to learn, the Gemara was still learned by memory but the Mishnayos were preserved in scrolls. For example, Rebbi Chiya wrote and publicized Mishnayos scrolls; see Bava Metzia 85b.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner