More Discussions for this daf
1. The Bas Kol heard by Acher 2. Everyone Has Two Portions, One in Eden, and one in Gehennim 3. Acher
4. Tohu 5. Ben Abuya 6. Acher doing Teshuvah
7. Rebbi Meir as the Talmid of Acher 8. Zemer Yevani 9. Acher and Rebbi Meir
10. The source for Acher's heresy 11. Did Acher ever get to Gan Eden? 12. Bechirah
13. R. Yochanan & Acher

R Karaguilla asks:

Shalom u Bracha

How is it possible that acher heard Shuvu....chutz miacher

What about teshuva? He went to deep in averot?


Binyomin Karaguilla

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

Acher heard 'Shuvu....chutz me'acher!', because Hash-m wanted him to hear it. Regarding your second question: There are certain sins for which Teshuvah alone does not help, and it is only after Teshuvah, Yom Kipur and death that he goes to Olam ha'Ba. It seems that here, Acher's sins were so bad that Hash-m decreed that his Teshuvah would not help and that Acher had lost his portion in Olam ha'Ba.

Having said that, it seems to me that he was nevertheless obligated to do Teshuvah, since we do Teshuvah because we sinned against Hash-m, not in order to gain Olam ha'Ba. Moreover, if Acher would have done Teshuvah - in spite of the Heavenly Voice, Hash-m would have accepted it. It can be compared to a boy whose father ordered him to remain in his room for a whole day and who cries bitterly and apologizes profusely and pleads with him to forgive him. Do you think that he wouldn't relent?

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.