Why can't the Tana that says a cheresh can be toirem lechatchila be R' Yehuda & since it is only derabanan, R' Yehuda would agree that it is mutar lechatchila? (Like the Gemoroh said earlier according to R' Yossi)
Yonah, Lakewood, USA
I think that the answer is that according to the approach that you suggest, we still would not understand who is the author of the Mishnah of "Cheresh Lo Yitrom." It cannot be the view of Rebbi Yehudah, because we are saying now that even if one does not hear he still may separate Terumah even l'Chatchilah. It cannot be the view of Rebbi Yosi because he maintains that a Cheresh's act of separating Terumah is not valid even b'Di'eved.
Shevach Pepper