More Discussions for this daf
1. Starting off with the wrong Berachah 2. Teshuvah 3. Midas Yom ba'Lailah
4. Only 3 "Fathers" 5. Yotzer Ohr 6. bread vs. dates
7. Tosfos 8. When one is in Doubt about Blessings 9. Nations being judged
10. Answering Missionaries 11. divine name in blessings 12. Mistaken Berachah
13. Kavanah during Berachos 14. טעה בברכה 15. רש״י ד״ה אלא אי אמרת

Randy Lazarus asked:

It seems to me that this whole last sugya of the first perek is a response to the heretical claims of the Min, and some detailed analysis of the order of this presentation and other places this is dealt with is in order.

Specifically, it seems that the gemara brings pasukim from various places to illustrate how they might be mis-construed, and how, rather, they can be viewed within the framework of Jewish emunah.

Where can I look for more on this type of approach?

Randy Lazarus, Mitzpe Yericho, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Randy - Many books have been written to answer the claims that Missionaries use based on the verses of the Torah and Nevi'im. I have one of the classics (Nitzachon Yashan, written in the 1200's) that has been translated into English by Dr. David Berger. A more recent author printed a similar volume (called Nitzachon) in Krakow in 1644. Is this what you are looking for?

Best wishes,

M. Kornfeld