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1. Filling the doorway 2. Tolesh from the ground 3. Not a Sheretz
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7. הריגת כנים בשבת 8. רש״י ד״ה תחת כנפיו 9. ביצי כינים מינא הוא

isaac betech asks:

Is the following approach acceptable? Kol tuv

isaac betech, mexico

The Kollel replies:

I am certainly not the one to judge approaches suggested by other Torah-observant Jews to explain passages in the Torah or Talmud, and to decide which are acceptable for orthodox Jews to study and which should be avoided. Thus, I certainly cannot answer your question definitively.

That having been said, I suppose you are referring to Slifkin's article here , where he writes that since "the louse is the only obligatory, permanent, 100% host-specific to the human being, ectoparasite, discernible to the human eye" which we know of, and since it lives a non-autonomous life, both internally and externally, therefore it is not comparable to the ram, the life of which the Torah forbade us to end on Shabbos.

We wrote a different approach to this subject in our discussions of the Sugya. Nevertheless, it is evident that Slifkin put a good amount of time into researching the subject, and the approach sounds to me very interesting, appealing and original. I am sure that many people will find his approach easier to accept than what many others have written on this subject.


Mordecai Kornfeld