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yitzi loewy asked:

On Bava Kama 56B according to pshat in Tos' Bhahi, If one was leading a lost cow through the street on a rope to the owner's house, and an ani asks for a handout, does the person have to givee him a perutah?

It seems like no from the lashon of tos' because he is osek in a mitzvah however, if he was just sitting around in his house with the cow he would have to give the ani?

yitzi loewy, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Yitzi,

When he's sitting around, he would have to give the Ani.

If he is busy with the cow and can't do both at once he is free from giving a Perutah.

If he can do both at once, according to Tosfos he is obligated to give the Ani. However the Haga'os ha'Gra brings other Rishonim that say he is not obligated. (See Ran on Rif Suka 25a that explains that the Torah does not command him with other Mitzvos while he's involved with a Mitzvah.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner