The gemorrah questions the need for psukim to establish these halachot because we have Klalim that lead to the same halachot: Sukkah - Mitzvat asei shehazman Grama and Yom Kippur - "meRav Yehudah omar Rav Nafka." My question regards the apparent lack of parallelism in the question of the gemorrah. The source for both challenges is the Mishna in Kiddushin (29a). With regard to Succah, the gemorrah quotes the Mishna, but regarding Yom Kippur the gemorrah quotes, not the Mishna, but the "rationale" for the klal as stated in the seifa of the Mishna, but not the Mishna itself. Why not?
Norman Meskin, Yerushalayim
The Gemara with regards to Sukah is not quoting the Mishnah of Kidushin 29. If so, 1) it should have said Sukah Mitzvas Asei sheha'Zeman Gerama D'TENAN Kol Mitzvos Asei etc. 2) the Mishnah first says Anashim Chayavim which is missing in our Gemara.
It seems that our Gemara wants to bring briefly the Halachos of women for Sukah and Yom Kippur and if possible to bring their original source - Pesukim. For Sukah, bringing Pesukim is too lengthly - see Kidushin 34a - as Rashi alludes, so it just brings the short, well-known fact that women are Patur for Zeman Gerama.
By Yom Kippur, the Pasuk of Ish O Isha is brought which is the original source of the Mishnah. This Derashah is brought often in the Gemara (the Mesores ha'Shas brings 6 other places that Ish O Isha is found).
All the best,
Reuven Weiner