Besides the names of the Chachamim making the Drashah about the pit into which Yosef was thrown, is there perhaps a fundamental connection to the story of Yosef in the context of hilchos Chanuka in the mostly non-Aggadic perek of Bameh Madlikin?
Anyway, a freilech and healthy Chanuka to all.
Thank you.
The Midrash (Yalkut Reuveni) comments on the verse in Shir ha'Shirim (7:14):
"Ha'Duda'im Nasnu Rei'ach," "The mandrakes emit a fragrance" -- this refers to Reuven (who picked the Duda'im for his mother);
"v'Al Pesacheinu Kol Megadim," "and on our doorways are all the sweet fruits" -- this is the candle of Chanukah (which is placed within one Tefach of the doorway)....
The allusion, put simply, is to the fact that the persecution at the hands of the Syrian-Greeks, who were led by Antiochus (whose name in Gematria equals that of Yosef -- 156, as the Megaleh Amukos points out), was a Divinely ordained punishment for the sale of Yosef. (Yosef is described as "beautiful in description and beautiful in appearance" (Bereishis 39:6). This great beauty was countered by the great beauty that was characteristic of the Syrian-Greeks, which was beauty in its most Tamei form.) There are a number of works on this topic in both Hebrew and English.