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7. Yosef and Chanukah

Rafi Magid asked:

b) Rav forbids one to light one Chanukah-light from another, either because of 'Bizuy Mitzvah' (despising the Mitzvah), or because of 'Akchushei Mitzvah' (meaning that one seems to be taking some ... THE Q: WHAT ABOUT :NER LE'EHAD(1) = NER L'ME'A(100)

rafim, givat shmuel

The Kollel replies:

That applies to using the light of a candle, such as when reading before it. When igniting (lighting a candle in the first place) from another candle, it seems as though one is taking some of the actual oil of thi first candle by holding another candle up to the first candle's wick, as Rashi there (DH Achushei) writes.

Be well, Mordecai Kornfeld