More Discussions for this daf
1. Doctors and Milah 2. Tosfos DH b'Leva'er, last words re Erusin 3. pesachim daf zayin
4. Chipus l'Or ha'Ner 5. Birkas Eirusin 6. Why do we say "al achilat matzah" and not "le'echol matzah"?
7. Differences in the Beraisos 8. Correction 9. Berachos Before Mitzvos
10. בעת ההיא אחפש את ירושלים בנרות 11. בדיקה לאור הנר 12. חילוקים בברייתות
13. רש״י ד״ה וכי לא סגי

Andrew Greene asked:

The Gemara on daf zayin discussed when the bracha that is recited when performing a mitzvah takes the form "v'tzivanu l'X" versus "v'tzivanu al X". As I understood it, the explanation is that we use the "l'X" form when:

* The mitzvah is compulsory, not optional

* The mitzvah cannot be done via a shaliach

* The mitzvah must be done at a specific time

The examples in the daf included specific cases of each of these. One says "al hashchitah" rather than "lishchot" when killing an animal for food, because one has the option of eating something else. One says "al hamilah" rather than "limol" because it's usually the mohel performing the circumcision on one's son, not the father. And one says "al biur chametz" rather than "liv'or chametz" because the destruction of chametz can be done any time prior to Passover, even up to the day after Passover ended the previous year.

So here's my question. At the seder, when we fulfil the mandatory mitzvah of personally eating matzah between tzet hakochavim and chatzot on the eve of the 15th of Nisan, why do we say "al achilat matzah" and not "le'echol matzah"?

Andrew Greene, Newton, Mass, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Ritva on our Gemara comes to the same conclusion, saying that the edition of the Berachah which many Rishonim have, which ends with "Al Achilas Matzah", must be a mistake.

However, the Rosh quotes Rabeinu Tam at length as saying that Mitzvos that are done immediately after the Berachah, and are done quickly, also get an "Al." One of the examples he explicitly cites is "Al Achilas Matzah."

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose