You write:
>>HALACHAH: It is not clear from the Poskim to what extent a decree needs a Beis Din in order to be annulled. The DARCHEI MOSHE (YD 231) seems to rule stringently, like Rashi, that even a Cherem or Takanah which was enacted for a specific amount of time needs the annulment of Beis Din. The SHULCHAN ARUCH (YD 334:13, 27) seems to rule stringently even in the case of a Cherem upon an individual, which, he rules, will not become annulled by itself even after its stated time period has passed.<<
At the end of this piece, you suggest the Darchei Moshe is machmir like Rashi. I looked up this sif and it appears (see the end of the Rema D"H umehu) that the Rema is makel--the neder automically goes away after the specified amount of time? Also see Gr"a there. thanks
alexander, chicago IL
It is true that the part of the Shulchan Aruch that you refer to is Meikal, but the piece is written by the Mechaber (Beis Yosef) not the Rema.
Dov Freedman