Perhaps I have missed something, or again I am confused by the wording of the Gemara. The Mishne discusses where the wife of the Kohen is brought to stay with the Kohen. One of the Sages appears to recall a Tanna where in one occasion, a substitute for the Kohen's wife was arranged, in case she should die. This apparently was derived from the verse that a substitute for the Kohen should be arranged, in case he dies while during Yom Ha'Kippurim.
My question is, although the Gemara makes quite clear that this was unneccesary, and again they quote tractate Pesachim: "There is no end to the matter." In other words, going above and beyond. Since this was a Sage quoting this, was it possible he was perhaps recalling an occasion where one Kohen, not knowing the Halakhah for Yom Kippurim, attempted to arrange for such a substitute, and the Sage merely wished to bring this up to clear the air, so to speak?
Thank you for considering this.
You wrote, "The Mishne discusses where the wife of the Kohen is brought to stay with the Kohen." On the contrary, the Mishnah says that "for seven days before Yom Kipur, the Kohen Gadol was separated from his wife." The Mishnah goes on to say that a substitute Kohen was selected in case the Kohen Gadol became Tamei.
Then the Mishnah cites the opinion of Rebbi Yehudah, who says that they also selected a back-up wife for the Kohen Gadol, in case his present wife dies. No actual incident of this is recorded, though. The Mishnah itself mentions the verse which is the source for Rebbi Yehudah's opinion.
The Mishnah then quotes the Chachamim who argue with Rebbi Yehudah and hold that no substitute wife was arranged for the Kohen Gadol. Their reasoning is "there is no end to this matter," as you wrote. However, by this they mean that if we are afraid that his present wife will die and thus we arrange a back-up, then we should also be afraid that the second wife will die, and arrange a back-up for her . Similarly, we should be afraid that the third wife might die, and arrange a fourth one as a back-up, and so on and so on.
Since there was no actual incident that occurred, your question is resolved.
The only incident recorded is on 12b concerning a substitute Kohen who was selected in case the Kohen Gadol became Tamei, but it is not talking about a substitute wife.
All the best,
Y. Shaw