
Why did she say "Ein Kadosh ka'Shem"?


Radak: I prayed in His Mikdash, and my prayer was heard.


Bi'ur ha'Gra: This refers to Yetzi'as Mitzrayim, when Hashem's name was sanctified among the nations. Aderes Eliyahu - "l'Ma'an Saper Shmi b'Chol ha'Aretz", "Pedus Shalach l'Amo


Why did she say "Ki Ein Biltecha"?


Megilah 14a: We read Biltecha like Livlosecha (nothing endures longer than You). Hashem's ways are unlike the ways of people. The works of people outlive them, but Hashem outlives His works.


Radak: I knew that there is no one else proper to pray to.


Bi'ur ha'Gra: This refers to Matan Torah. Then, Hashem tore open Shamayim, and said 'see - I am alone. 1 '


Malbim: Refer to 2:2:1:2.


Devarim (32:39): "Re'u


Why did she say "Ein Tzur kEi'lokeinu"?


Rashi (from Megilah 14a): There is no artist like Hashem, who makes a form (a fetus) inside a form (a woman's womb).


Radak: No one is strong like Hashem, who reverses nature at His will. I was barren; it was not my nature to give birth.


Bi'ur ha'Gra: This refers to building the Mishkan, which protects Yisrael - " vEi'lokai l'Tzur MAchsi" (Tehilim 94:22).


Malbim: Philosophers say that if a craftsman makes something properly, he need not return to fix it. If Hashem would change nature to make signs or miracles, this would show deficiency in His handiwork. They err! Hashem is different. He made the world such that sustaining it is a constant creation. If He ceased to do so, their existence would lapse. 'Nature' is a miracle, just like breaches of nature!

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