
Why will his children move about?


Radak: They will go around begging for bread. (This is like Rashi's second Perush; refer to 109:10:2:2.)


Malbim: Initially, they will be ashamed to beg in their city, and they will go to where people do not recognize them, to request bread. Afterwards they will remove shame from their faces and request me'Charvoseihem - from their desolate houses, they will go in [their] city to request food.


What is the meaning of "v'Shi'elu v'Darshu me'Charvoseihem"?


Rashi #1: Everyone will ask about them - what happened to Ploni and Ploni - amidst the talk of destruction that came on them. "V'Darshu" implies that they will ask others, for there is a Chataf Kamatz under the Dalet 1 . Also "v'Shi'elu" implies that they will ask others.


Rashi #2: "V'Shi'elu" means that they will beg [for food].


Radak #2: They will request food from Charvoseihem, i.e. they will make their houses desolate, and from them request from people who pass by. And also when they are in Charvoseihem, they will need to request.


Radak #2: If there is Chataf [Kamatz] under the Dalet, it is a command. When his children will request [bread], people will be astounded, for their fathers had much money. They will say, investigate Charvoseihem, and you will find what happened to them. From great lack, their houses became desolate.


Malbim: Refer to 109:10:1:2.


Radak: There is a Chataf Rachav under the Dalet, and similarly "v'Shamru Derech Hashem" (Bereishis 18:19). Some say that it is Chataf [Kamatz] - if so, it is a command, like "Charvu Me'od" (Yirmeyah 2:12), "Maschu Osah" (Yechezkel 32:20). How can we explain this to be a command? Refer to 109:10:2:4.

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