
Why does it say "Kol Beis Yisrael Hemah"?


Rashi #1: They are a semblance of all of Beis Yisrael and hint to them. Yisrael say, are bones are dry ? amidst afflictions, our hope was lost.


Rashi #2: All these bones were of Yisraelim. Because you revived [us] now, we lost our hope ? we will not live (be revived) again when the dead will be revived.


Radak #1: If this was a Mashal, they are a Mashal for Bnei Yisrael in Galus. They despaired of redemption. They said, we are like dry bones that have no hope.


Radak #2: If he truly revived them, just like they lived, so will all Yisraelim who died during the Galus. It is as if they say 'our bones dried; we have no hope. It was decreed on us ? we will not see salvation of Yisrael. How will we live 1000 years 1 or longer?!


Malbim: This explains the Nimshal. Yisrael were very dry ? they had no preparation for revival of the body of the Klal [of the nation]. There was not even a small measure of life ? not a king or officers, not Gevurah or arousal of an army ? the ultimate despair. Hope is the small measure of life.


How would they know that the salvation of Yisrael will so far in the future? (PF)


Why do they say "Avdah Tikvaseinu"?


Rashi #1: We no longer hope for salvation.


Rashi #2: Refer to 37:11:1:2.


What is the meaning of "Nigzarnu Lanu"?


Malbim: We were cut off and separated like bones scattered on the valley. They separated from the bones of the body, and have no measure of life via good deeds. Due to their evil deeds, the bones are not proper for revival. They are unlike a body that decayed and became Rekev ? the bones are intact, and the Klal of the nation stands forever, just they are scattered in the four directions.

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