
What is the grammatical form of "v'Hinabeisi"?


Radak: It should say v'Hisnabeisi; the Sov of Hispa'el is omitted. Therefore, there is a Dagesh in the Nun.


What is the significance of how these dead were revived?


Malbim (1): It was unlike the normal Techiyas ha'Mesim 1 in two ways. (a) The bones were still intact ? they did not yet decay to become earth, and they were revived to become the same body [as initially]. (b) The bones were very dry ? there was no life or heat left in them needed to be like Se'or in a dough. The valley was "Mele'ah Atzamos" (1) ? not just the Luz bone. The revival was "Al Pnei ha'Bik'ah" (2), and not in the grave, after decay.


Malbim: Sages say that a small measure of life remains in a Mes' bones, or some heat. At the time of revival, it will be like Se'or that ferments a dough; from it, the body will be rebuilt. Before the revival, the earth [from which man was made] must return to the land and the body must totally decay. After, a better body will sprout from the earth. Absence always precedes existence ? a chick emerges only after the egg shell withers, and wheat grows only after the seed decays in the earth. The revival is from one bone (Luz) and decayed earth.

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