
Why must he say to the Ru'ach "Ko Amar Hashem"?


Malbim: Ru'ach depends on only on Devar Hashem (a person cannot put it in a body).


What is the significance of coming from the four directions?


Rashi: Wherever the Neshamos went to fly in the four directions of the world from there they will gather and come.


Radak: This refers to Ru'ach Chayim. It will come from wherever it is. "V'Nasati Ruchi Vachem" (14) is the Ru'ach of intellect. This is written after "I will raise you from your graves" (13).


Malbim: This refers to the Ru'ach that remains after death. Ru'ach Tzadikim is wrapped in Tzeror ha'Chayim (refer to 37:6:3:1*), and Ru'ach Resha'im is scattered via Kaf ha'Kela in the four directions; it has no rest. The verse says that their Ru'ach came from the four directions, for they were Resha'im.


Malbim citing Mahari: Ru'ach is composed of four Ruchos ? natural, Chiyunis 1 , verbal, and eternal. He commanded all four parts to enter these Mesim.


I.e. like animals have. (PF)


What is the meaning of "u'Fchi"?


Rashi: This is [blowing,] like "Nofe'ach b'Esh Pecham" (Yeshayah 54:16). Radak ? this is like "va'Yipach b'Apav Nishmas Chayim" (Bereishis 2:7). The root is Nafach. We similarly find "Geshi" (Rus 2:14) from Nagash.


Were the bones from murdered people?


Radak: They were not killed via the sword. Harigah applies also to those who die without a sword, like "Yihyu Harugei Maves" (Yirmeyah 18:21).


Radak: According to the opinion that they were from Efrayim (refer to 37:1:4:1), they were killed via the sword 1 .


The same applies according to the opinion that Nebuchadnetzar killed them - refer to 37:1:4:5. (PF)

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