
What are Pesukim 24 & 25 coming to add to the previous Pesukim?


Ramban (on Pasuk 20): Refer to 6:21:1:1. They teach us that Hashem gave us all these Mitzvos - to fear Him when we observe the Eidos, which commemorate His miracles, and to do good to us when we fulfill the Chukim, which are totally good, completely devoid of anything that is negative, notwithstanding our lack of comprehension and to grant us life when we keep the Mishpatim, which are all also devoid of anything that is harmful. And we are obligated to carry out the will of the Creator, since He is our G-d and we are His people, and there is nothing in all His Mitzvos other than goodness.


Seforno: Refer to 6:21:1:2. And we achieve this by carrying out all these Chukim, by means of which we perceive His greatness and acquire Yir'as Shamayim 1 - in order to earn a good life in this world.


All of which would not be possible to attain through keeping merely the seven Mitzvos B'nei No'ach. Refer to 6:20:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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