
What is the meaning of "Ki Mei Noach Zos Li


Sanhedrin 99a: Yemos ha'Mashi'ach will last as long as the time from Noach (the flood) until Mashi'ach comes 1 . We read Ki Mei like 'ki'Ymei 2 .'


Rashi: I have a Shevu'ah [not to bring another flood 3 ], like the verse proceeds to explain.


Radak: Just like my Shevu'ah 5not to bring another flood is a decree that will not be annulled, so I swore not to be angry at you and rebuke you after you leave Galus. Captivity is for you like Mei Noach - just like there will not be another flood, you will not have another Galus.


Malbim: Just like I swore in the days of Noach not to bring another flood, for I was concerned for the entire world, that it not perish - so you are important to Me like the entire world. The possibility of being angry at you is harsh in My eyes as if I brought a flood to destroy all flesh. After I swore not to bring another flood, I made two other Shevu'os. (a) I will not be angry at you. (b) I will not rebuke you, to exile you.


99a: Another opinion says as long as the time from creation until Mashi'ach comes - "ki'Mei ha'Shamayim Al ha'Aretz."


Radak: In some Seforim it is written as one word. Yonason translates like this. 'Ki'Ymei' is like "'ki'Ymei Nidas Devosah" (Vayikra 12:2).


Radak: This is like Seforim in which Ki Mei is two words. Menachem explained, it is the flood, which came in the days of Noach.


What do we learn from "Asher Nishbati me'Avor Mei Noach Od Al ha'Aretz"?


Sotah 11a: The Egyptians decided to kill the [potential] savior of Yisrael via water. Hashem swore not to bring another flood 1 .


Sotah 11a: They did not know that His Shevu'ah was not to flood the entire world, but He may flood one nation, or He may make them fall into the water.


Do we find that Hashem swore not to bring another flood?


Radak citing Shevu'os 36a: Saying 'no' twice is a Shevu'ah. It says "v'Lo Yikares Kol Basar Od mi'Mei ha'Mabul v'Lo Yihyeh Od ha'Mayim l'Mabul" (Bereishis 9:11). Similarly, saying 'yes' twice is a Shevu'ah.


Radak: The Bris is the Shevu'ah. It says "va'Hakimosi Es Brisi Itechem" (Bereishis 9:11). Both a Bris and a Shevu'ah are to make a matter last.

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