
What does the Pasuk mean when it writes, "va'Yeshalach Es Echav...."?


Rashbam: It means that he accompanied them.


Seforno: It means that he gave them permission to leave. 1


Ohr ha'Chayim: He sent all of his brothers, including Binyamin. He told them to "tell Yaakov to come... as you and Binyamin see... tell him of my honor in Egypt" (45:9, 12-13). Yaakov would rely most on Binyamin's testimony!


Like we find above (24:56, 32:27 [Seforno]).


What did Yosef mean when he instructed his brothers, "Al Tirgezu ba'Darech"?


Rashi #1: He meant that they should not study Halachah in depth, so as not to lose their way. 1


Rashi #2, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: He meant that they should not quarrel over who was responsible for having sold him, 2 and for thereby creating a rift between them. Ha'amek Davar - "Ba'Darech" hints that it is not the way of Chochmah to be angry about what passed, rather, of an agitated heart. Yisrael do not have an agitated heart in Eretz Yisrael (Nedarim 22a), and surely they would not discuss [the sale] in front of Yaakov, but he needed to warn them about on the road.


Ramban, Rashbam, Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim #1: He instructed them not to be afraid 3 of robbers on both their outward and return journeys. 4


Rashi #3: Do not take big steps; enter the city (to lodge for the night) while the sun shines. 5


Moshav Zekenim: Do not be stringent about your food on the road, lest you anger your hosts. We may feed Demai (Safek Tevel) to guests!


Da'as Zekenim #2: Do not cease studying Halachah in depth.


Sha'arei Teshuvah (Sha'ar 1): Regaz is an expression of pain over the past, like "Rigzu v'Al Techeta'u" (Tehilim 4:5), "v'Sachtai Ergaz" (Chabakuk 3:16).


Moshav Zekenim asks, we must engage in Torah "uv'Lechtecha va'Derech" (Devarim 6:7)! If Chachamim travel and do not converse in Torah, fire should consume them (Ta'anis 10b)!


In order not to evoke the anger of their co-travelers (Targum Yonasan). Riva - "Do not quarrel about Halacha" (Rashi) means about the sale, for my sale was like a tradition from Sinai. The time had come to fulfill Hashem's word to Avraham, "your seed will be a stranger..." (15:13).


As in "Lev Ragaz" (Devarim 28:65), and "Rigzu v'Al Techeta'u" (Tehilim 4:5).


Since he was on good terms with all the surrounding areas (Rashbam), and because, due to his supreme power, nobody could harm his brothers (Da'as Zekenim, Ramban). (How would robbers know that they are the brothers of the viceroy? Perhaps once you tell them, they will fear to harm you. Chazal say that the brothers were preparing to wipe out all of Egypt (refer to 44:18:4:3; and 47:2:1:1*). Why would they fear robbers? - PF)


Riva: Some equate these. If you take big steps at the beginning, you will be so tired that you will not be able to enter the city before sundown.



Rashi writes: "'Al Tirgezu ba'Darech' - Do not engage in matters of Halacha, lest the journey become wrathful for you." Why did Yosef need to warn them about this?


Gur Aryeh: (As Rashi will tell us,) in the simple meaning of the verse, Yosef was warning them not to fight over having sold him. But if so, he could have said 'Al Tarivu' (do not fight); why did he say "Al Tirgezu," and why did he add "ba'Darech"? Yosef was in fact worried that they would fight, which brings danger when on the road. He said "Al Tirgezu" to preclude all types of haste or anger, even from study of Halacha.


Rashi writes: "'Al Tirgezu ba'Darech' - ... Do not take big steps." How is this derived from the Pasuk?


Gur Aryeh: 'Rogez' means any action that is extra, unnecessary, or out of place. 1


Gur Aryeh: For example, see Shmuel I 28:15.


Rashi writes: "'Al Tirgezu ba'Darech' - ... Precede the sun[set] into the city." How is this derived?


Gur Aryeh: 'Rogez' means any action that is extra, unnecessary, or out of place. Yosef warned them not to press onwards by travelling into the evening.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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