
What do we learn from "Mi He'ir mi'Mizrach"?


Shabbos 156a-b: Avraham said, I see in my astrology that I am not proper to father a son. Hashem said, leave your astrology. Mazal does not apply to Yisrael! Tzedek (your Mazal) is in the west. I will put it in the east!


Bava Basra 15a: Eisan ha'Ezrachi (the author of Tehilim 89) is Avraham.


Rashi: Who aroused from the east, the one who called Tzedek wherever he went? Avraham was in Aram, in the east 1 .


Radak: Hashem aroused him to leave the house of idolaters. Wherever he went were idolaters, and he rebuked them for their Emunah, and did not fear them and their kings. Who aroused his heart to do so? I, Hashem!


Radak (3): This refers to Koresh. Hashem will arouse him from the east to come against Bavel and seize it 2 .


Malbim: This refers to Melech ha'Mashi'ach, who will come from the east.


Radak: It says "Artzah Vnei Kedem" (Bereishis 29:1).


Radak: What I explained is better (refer to 41:2:1:4). Also my father and Targum Yonasan explained so.


What is the meaning of "Tzedek Yikra'ehu l'Raglo"?


Rashi: He did Tzedek wherever he went.


Radak: Wherever he went, he called (taught) righteousness and Emes - "va'Yikra Sham Avraham b'Shem Hashem" (Bereishis 13:4). He told them to abandon idolatry, which has no reality, and serve the One who created the world. He taught to them ways of Emunah.


Malbim: What will arouse him to conquer nations and lands? Normally, one does so amidst love of authority and honor, or envy and vengeance, or property and acquisitions. We never heard that love of Tzedek and good aroused him.


How did He put nations in front of him?


Rashi: He put the four kings and their soldiers in front of him (refer to 41:2:5:1). Radak - with 318 men, Avraham struck them and saved all the captives that they took. This was via his great trust in Hashem.


Radak (3): This refers to Koresh. Nations and kings did not stand against him.


What is the meaning of "u'Melachim Yard"?


Radak: This refers to authority, like "Lo Sirdu Vo b'Farech" (Vayikra 25:46). Hashem made him rule over kings, even though Avraham had few men. Yikra'ehu, Yiten, Yard, "Yirdefem Ya'avor"' (3) are all future tense in place of past - this is because Hashem did so for Avraham, and so He will do in every generation with every Tzadik who loves Hashem like Avraham did.


Malbim: Normally, first one conquers the kings in war, and afterwards rules over nations. Here, he will conquer nations, and rule over the kings.


What do we learn from "Yiten ke'Afar Charbo k'Kash Nidaf Kashto"?


Sanhedrin 108b: When Avraham fought the four kings, he threw dirt, and it turned into swords. He threw straw, and it turned into arrows.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Hashem cast like earth, those killed via his sword - he put his sword and made dead bodies numerous like earth. His bow killed many like strewn straw.


Radak #1: Hashem made [the kings] like earth to be trampled in front of his sword, and like straw blown in the wind in front of his bow. Malbim - i.e. Mashi'ach will conquer them very easily.


Radak #2: Hashem made the sword of each of the kings and his sword like earth and blown straw.

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