What is the meaning of "Betach Badad"?
Rashi #1 and Seforno: It means that they dwelt in safety, 1 ('each person under his vine and each person under his fig-tree'). 2
Rashi #2 (in Tehilim 3:9): Without any need to place soldiers to defend them (Rashi in Sanhedrin, 104a).
Targum Yonasan: It means that they will dwell in safety like in times gone by. 3
Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: It means 'They will dwell alone. 4
Oznayim la'Torah: It is only when they are alone - and do not mix with the other nations - that they are truly safe and secure.
Seforno: After having defeated the enemy, as the Navi writes in Yehoshua, 11:23.
Michah, 4:4. Rashi: Spread out - without needing to gather together to protect themselves from the enemy. It is not like the "Badad" that the Navi spoke of in Yirmiyah, 15:17, which means 'lonely'.
See Na'ar Yonasan.
Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: As the Pasuk writes in Mishlei 14:10 "u've'Simchaso Lo Yis'arev Zar".
What are the connotations of "Ein Ya'akov"?
Hadar Zekenim: It means that [this B'rachah applies to Tzadikim] like Ya'akov, but not to Resha'im or to Nochrim 3 except for righteous Geirim. 4
Seforno: "Ein Ya'akov" is a Tefilah 5 for the coming of Mashi'ach. 6 Yisrael will only dwell in safety if they are on the level of Ya'akov - until Amos came and negated it, when he said "Chadal Na Mi Yakum Ya'akov!"; and the Pasuk concludes "Nicham Hashem al Zos" - Hashem accepted Amos' request and relented.
Rashi: like "ke'Ein ha'Bedolach", in Beha'aloscha, Bamidbar, 11:7.
Rashi: In Bereishis 48:21.
" Hadar Zekenim (Ibid.): as the Torah writes in Balak Bamidbar, 23:9 "u'va'Goyim Lo Yischashav".
The Da'as Zekenim and Rosh also appear to explain the Pasuk like this, only some words are missing. (PF)
See Seforno. See Torah Temimah, note 81.
Seforno: Who will shower Yisrael with Torah like dew
What is the translation of "Af Shamav Ya'arfu Tal"?
Rashi (Ha'azinu, 32:2) and Targum Yonasan: 'Will drip dew'.
Seforno: Will provide them with dew'.
Targum Onkelos: 'Will serve them dew'.
What are the implications of "Af Shamav Ya'arfu Tal"?
Rashi: It implies that also the B'rachah of Yitzchak will take effect - "Veyiten l'cha Elokim mi'Tal ha'Shamayim... ", 1 in addition to that of Ya'akov.
Seforno: It is a Tefilah that, in the days of Mashi'ach, 2 the heavens will automatically shower dew in abundance on to a land of (that produces by itself) grain and wine. 3
Targum Onkelos: It implies that also the heavens above will serve them by providing them with dew.
Targum Yonasan: 'Also the heavens rained on them dew of blessing and rain of goodwill'.
Seforno: As it did during the six days of the creation - before Adam sinned. See Bereishis, 2:5 & 6.