
Why does the Torah see fit to inform us that Lavan blessed his grandsons and daughters?


Seforno: Chazal said (Megilah 15a), "Do not take the Berachah of a Hedyot 1 (an ordinary person) lightly." The Berachah of a father, who blesses with all his heart 2 is even more potent and is bound to materialize.


Others say that since Lavan was a Rasha, his Brachah harms! Refer to 24:60:151:1.


Refer to 27:4:1:2.


Why did Lavan not hug and kiss Yaakov (like he did when Yaakov arrived in Charan)?


Oznayim la'Torah #1: It demonstrates Lavan's true feelings towards Yaakov, in spite of the covenant that he just made with him.


Oznayim la'Torah: One can say in jest that this time he had no reason to believe that Yaakov was carrying jewels in his pocket or in his mouth. 1


Refer to 29:13:2:1.


Why does the Torah not tell us the contents of this Berachah, like it did the Berachah that he gave his sister Rivka (in Parshas Chayei Sarah, 24:60)?


Oznayim la'Torah (citing the Midrash Rabah): Because it was given when he was downcast and in a bad mood - due to his failed mission, and he said it but did not mean it. 1


Refer to 32:1:2:1.


Why does the Torah record that Lavan returned to his place? Also, the verse discusses him; "Lavan"is superfluous!


Tosfos ha'Shalem (2, from Bereishis Rabah 74:16): He returned to his poverty. The night that he pursued Yaakov, robbers took everything of Lavan.


Ha'amek Davar: He returned to his piror status (before Yaakov came). 1


Oznayim la'Torah (citing Midrash Yelamdeinu): Before Yaakov arrived in Charan, Lavan was a member of the family of Nachor, the pride of the town. When Yaakov arrived, he personally became its magnificence, its splendor and its glory. Now that Yaakov had left, Lavan returned to his former status.


Ha'amek Davar: This is a Siman l'Banim that the Mazal of Nochrim is good only due to Yisrael amidst them, and when Yisrael leave, they return to their poverty.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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