
What is "Metar Zar'acha Asher Tizra"?


Radak: It is rain needed for your seeds that you will plant.


Malbim: Each individual will get what he needs for his field. It will be based on the seeds and the land. Some seeds need more rain than others, and some fields need more than others. "V'Hayah Im Shamo'a Tishme'u El Mitzvosai;


What does the verse teach about "Lechem Tevu'as ha'Adamah"?


Radak: Hashem will give your bread - it will not be stricken with Shidafon and Yerakon (parched by the east-wind, and 'dried and turned straw-yellow - Rashi Devarim 28:22), and locusts will not eat it. Further, it will be fat.


Malbim: Vegetation nurtures from the land. The land is the bread and food of the grain. The vegetation takes its food from the fatness and moisture of the land.


What is the meaning of "Shamen"?


Rashi: It is something fat. It is not an expression of oil, for the accent is on the last syllable, and there is a Kamatz under the Shin.


What do we learn from, "Yir'eh Miknecha... Kar Nirchav"?


Menachos 87a: For the Tamid, we bring lambs that are as wide as their height 1 .


Rashi #1: The Karim (lambs) will be fat and Rechavim (wide).


Rashi #2: Kar is a plain, like "Kikar ha'Yarden" (Bereishis 13:10) and Karmel (Vayikra 2 3:14). It will be full of grain.


Radak: Kar is a place for grazing. It will be full of grain.


Malbim: The animals will graze in a great plain. Until now, they were hidden in a narrow place due to the enemy.


Ben Yehoyada - this is deformed like a midget. It is Pasul! Rather, he means, their obesity causes them to be taller than usual.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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