
What did Yaakov mean when he said, "Ki Mal'u Yamai"?


Rashi #1: He meant that the time period that his mother had in mind 1 had elapsed.


Rashi #2: He was already eighty-four, and if he did not begin raising the twelve tribes now, when would he do so? 2


Targum Onkelos, Targum Yonasan, Ramban #1 and Rashbam: He was simply referring to the termination of the seven years that he had stipulated that he would work for Rachel. 3


Ramban #2: This took place towards the end of the seven-year period, and Yaakov was asking Lavan to consider as if they had actually terminated, and to allow him to marry Rachel already then. 4 (Refer to 29:21:2:3.)


Refer to 29:18:1:1, and the notes there.


Gur Aryeh: Why does Rashi add this explanation? If he meant the days his mother stipulated, he could have said 'Mal'u ha'Yamim.' The possessive "my days (Yamai)" indicates that Yaakov was referring to his own age.


Ramban: The two explanations offered by Rashi (refer to 29:21:1:1 and 29:21:1:2) are not reasons that would have impressed Lavan. See Gur Aryeh 29:21:1.1.


See Ramban, who cites a number of examples where we find this concept. Also compare Ha'amek Davar (refer to 29:20:1:5 and 29:27:1:2).


Why did Yaakov say "v'Avo'ah Eleha" (I will have Bi'ah with her)?


Rashi: Precisely because he was so keen to begin performing this great Mitzvah, he spoke so bluntly, using words that even the most immodest person would not use. Refer to 29:21:2:5.


Seforno: What he meant was that not only should the betrothal (Erusin) take place now, but also the wedding (Nisu'in), in order to have children.


Ramban: I will marry Rachel now, and continue to work until the seven-years are complete. 1


Tosfos ha'Shalem (8): Bnei Noach do not have Kidushin. Marriage is only through Bi'ah. Also, he did not have any money for Kidushin. He could be Mekadesh her only through Bi'ah. 2


Pri Tzadik (Pinchas 4): Yaakov reached the level of Adam ha'Rishon before the sin. Adam was not ashamed to be naked, for he had no thoughts of physical pleasure. 3


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: Lavan owed him for his Avodah; a loan does not make Kidushin. The Kidushin will be through Bi'ah.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: Yaakov held like the Ramban, that one can acquire slaves and land via a loan, even if the money is not intact. She is already my wife; give her to me, so I will have Bi'ah with her like any man with his wife, but not to make Kidushin now.


Ha'amek Davar: Now she is not a minor, nor weak (refer to 29:19:1:5), so I can have Bi'ah with her.


This explains Lavan's statement (in 29:27) "Malei Shevu'a Zos...," i.e. complete the seven-years that you had almost finished working for Leah (as it turned out).


If there were witnesses for Kidushin, he could make a Kidushin document! And some say that the husband's signature suffices! Perhaps he holds that documents do not apply to Bnei Noach. (PF)


Seforno says so about intimacy of all the Avos and Imahos (refer to 30:16:2:1).


Why did he call her "Ishti"?


Refer to 29:21:2:7.


Malbim: She is already my wife through designation for me. He is no less than Bnei Noach; once a woman is called on Ploni's name, she is his wife, and people are liable for her (for Eshes Chavero).



Rashi writes: "'My days have been filled' (Mal'u Yamai) - i.e. the days my mother had said." Why doesn't Rashi explain as, 'my days of service are complete'? Why didn't Yaakov say so outright?


Gur Aryeh: Yaakov could have said, 'my service to you is completed' (Mal'ah Avodasi - for Lavan was demanding the work, not merely the term of time). He did not do so, for Lavan still could have claimed that Leah had to get married off first. Rather, Yaakov said that the "few days" of his intended stay were over, and he had to marry now, without delay.


Rashi writes: "For I am 84 years old." Why did Yaakov marry at such an advanced age?


Gur Aryeh (to 25:20): Yaakov 'dwelt in the tents' of Torah, and the Halachah is that one may postpone marriage to learn Torah at a Yeshivah. 1


(Kidushin 29b). Gur Aryeh (ibid.) - His father Yitzchak did not delay, for he studied at home.

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