
How does one translate "Ve'zacharti es B'risi Ya'akov"?


Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra): There is a word missing and the Pasuk reads 'Vezacharti es B'risi, B'ris Ya'akov'. 1


Ramban #2 (according to Kabalah): The Pasuk means to say that Hashem will remember Ya'akov, Yitzchak and Avraham, 2 who are His partners in the covenant.


Seforno: It refers to the building of the second Beis-Hamikdash.


Targum Onkelos: 'And I will remember My covenant - that I made - with Ya'akov'.


Targum Yonasan: 'And I will remember (with mercy) the covenant that I made with Ya'akov (in Beis-Eil'). 3


Ibn Ezra: Like we find in Devarim 29:9 and in Divrei Hayamim 2, 15:8.


Ramban: Incorporating all the Midos that are included in the B'ris, and Hashem will remember the land, which is connected to them.


Targum Yonasan: '... with Yitzchak on Har ha'Moriyah (at the Akeidah) ... and with Avraham at the B'ris bein ha'Besarim'.


Why is Ya'akov spelled with a 'Vav'?


Rashi: In five places the Torah spells Ya'akov with a 'Vav', and Eliyahu without a 'Vav'. Ya'akov took a 'Vav' from Eliyahu as a security, to ensure that he will come to give his (Ya'akov's) children the news of the impending redemption. 1


Gur Aryeh: And since Eliyahu was created to redeem Yisrael, his name will be incomplete until he does so.


Why does the Pasuk list the Avos backwards?


Rashi: As if to say that Ya'akov, the youngest of the Avos, is worthy to bring about the Ge'ulah; and in case he is not, then together with Yitzchak, they will achieve it; and if even they are not worthy, then together with Avraham, they will certainly succeed in bringing it about. 1


Hadar Zekenim: This is the way of people who reminisce - 'I remember P'loni, and his father and his grandfather'.


Ibn Ezra and Moshav Zekenim: Ya'akov is listed first, for all of his years were in the Bris. 2


See also Ba'al ha'Turim. Gur Aryeh - Moshe did not know that Ya'akov is worthy by himself, therefore he mentioned the Avos in order, i.e. he asked [Hashem to pardon Chet ha'Egel] in the Avos' combined merit.


B'nei Reshef (on the Ibn Ezra): Even though also all of Yitzchak's years were in the B'ris (at the end of Parshas Lech-L'cha), it is correct to begin only with the first or the last. (This is salso how Tosfos in Shabbos 20b DH 'ba'Meh' appears to explain it PF).


What is the significance of "ve'ha'Aretz Ezkor"?


Rashi (in Sefer ha'Pardes): Hashem will remember the land, not to leave it in the hands of the impure Nochrim, but to deliver it into the hands of those who are righteous, since the land itself cannot tolerate anyone who is impure - such as the seven nations. It is pained when people sin, and vomits them out 1 with sulfur and salt. 2


Ramban #1 (citing Ibn Ezra) 3 : Hashem will also remember the land that was paid the Sh'mitah years and was bereft of the people.


Ramban #2 (according to Kabalah): Refer to 26:42:1:2*. 4


Targum Yonasan: "And the land I will remember with mercy'.


Sifra: It teaches us that Hashem made a covenent with the land. 5


Rashi (Ibid.): Hence the Pasuk writes "... in case the land vomit you out" (See 18:28, 3).


See Ba'al ha'Turim on Pasuk 43.


On Pasuk 43, on the words "veha'Aretz Te'azev Mehem".


Ramban: This is hinted in the Midrash, which compares it to a man who had three daughters and a maidservant who brought them up. Whenever he inquired after the wellbeing of his daughters he also inquired after the wellbeing of the maidservant.


Torah Temimah: Because the word "B'risi" extends to "ha'Aretz" as well.


Which period is the Pasuk referring to?


Seforno: It refers to the period of the building of the second Beis-Hamikdash. 1


Refer also to 26:41:1:2.


Why does the Torah insert "Af" regarding Avraham and Yitzchak, but not regarding Ya'akov?


Hadar Zekenim and Moshav Zekenim citing Midrash Agadah): Because all Ya'akov's children were Tzadikim. R. Chaim Paltiel - therefore, Hashem did not want to mention the word "Af" (anger) in connection with him.


R. Bachye - Because "Af" alludes to Midas ha'Din, and Avraham and Yitzchak equally [accepted Midas ha'Din and nullified their desires] at the Akeidah.


K'li Yakar: Because Avraham and Yitzchak preceded Ya'akov, and Yisrael already 'ate' from their merits. It is a Chidush that enough remains of their merit to redeem Yisrael.


Why is 'Zechirah' not mentioned with regard to Yitzchak?


Moshav Zekenim: Because it is as if his ashes are piled and guarded on the Mizbe'ach (and his memory is constantly before Hashem - PF). 1


See Torah Temimah, note 56.


Why does the Torah insert the word "es" by each of the Avos (which it does not do by the land)?


Moshav Zekenim: To incorporate the merit of the Imahos. 1


The Torah writes "Es" once by each of the Avos. Why does it not insert it a second time by Ya'akov, to include Rachel and Leah? Perhaps there is no reason to include one more than the other, so we learn both from one word, like in Bava Kama 3a (PF).



Rashi writes that in five places Ya'akov is spelled with a 'Vav', and Eliyahu without a 'Vav'. What is the significance of five times?


Mizrachi: Corresponding to the five Books of the Torah.


Gur Aryeh: Because the 'Vav' resembles a finger. When one gives a security, one shakes hands - and there are five fingers on a hand. Moreover, the Gematriya of 'Vav' is six, and 6x5=30 - corresponding to the number of bones in a hand. 1


As the Mishnah states in Ohalos 1:8.


Rashi writes that the Avos are listed backwards because even Ya'akov's merit is enough; and if not, then together with Yitzchak..., Ya'akov was the choice of the Avos. After saying that his merit suffices, how cn Rashi say 'and if not ...'?


Nachalas Ya'akov: The Torah wrote in Sh'mos 32 that. if Yisrael deserved death by burning, Hashem should remember Avraham, who was cast into a furnace; if they deserved the sword... Yitzchak... and if they deserved exile... Ya'akov was exiled. Here, he says that if they deserve only exile, Ya'akov's merit will suffice; if they deserve the sword, Yitzchak's merit suffices ...


What Rashi means is that, even without the merit of Ya'akov, the merit of Yitzchak would suffice, and the merit of Avraham, even without the merit of Yitzchak.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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