What is the definition of "Dodaso"?
Yevavos, 54b: We learn from a Gezeirah Shavah "Dodo" 'Dodo" from "O Dodo O ben Dodo Yig'alenu" - B'har, 25:49 that it is 'the wife of one's paternal 1 uncle. 2
Refer to 18:14:151:2* & 20:19:151:1*.
What are the connotations of "Aririm Yamusu"?
Rashi: Refer to 20:20:2:1.
Rashbam: It means that, min ha'Shamayim, they will not allow his children to live or him to bear children. 1
Why does the Torah write "Aririm Yamusu" here and in the following Pasuk "Aririm Yih'yu"?
Rashi: To teach us that, if they already have children, the children will die, and the parents will die childless, whereas if they do not have children yet, they will remain childless. 1
Refeer to 20:20:1.1:2.
Bearing in mind the Pasuk "Ish be'Chet'o Yumasu" (Ki Seitzei Devarim, 24:16), how can the Torah inform us that children who are already born will die for the sins of their father?
Gur Aryeh: Only children who are minors at the time of the father's sin will bear the punishment of the father's sin. 1
Panim Yafos (24:16): If the child sins be'Shogeg, but the father performed the same sin be'Meizid, then the child will be held accountable as if he too sinned b'Meizid even if he is grown up, because of his father's ill intent. But if the child did not sin at all, he will not be punished for his father's sin.
Since we find that minors are indeed punished for their father's sins (see Rashi Koheles 5:5, Shabbos 32b and Kesuvos 105b).
Why does the Torah insert "Aririm" specifically by Dodaso and by Eishes Achiv (in the next Pasuk)?
Ramban: Because it applies exclusively to them. 1
Rashi (17:9) writes that "Ariri" (dying childless) applies to all the Kerisos. If so, why is "Dodaso" repeated? We already know that there is Kareis from 18:29?