What are the implicatins of the word "ve'Ish ki Yin'af ? "?
What are the implications of the term "Eishes Ish"?
Rashi: It precludes the wife of a Katan. 1
Rashi: This is the sorce of the principle that the Kidushin of a Katan is not valid.
Why does the Torah add (the otherwise superfluous) phrase "asher Yin'af es Eishes Re'ehu"?
Rashi and Rashbam: To preclude the wife of a Nochri. 1
Rashi: This teaches us that the Kidushin of a Nochri is not valid. See also Torah Temimah, note 22.
Why does the Torah write "Asher Yin'af" twice?
Targum Yonasan: One in connection with an Arusah (a betrothed woman) - for whom one is Chayav Sekilah; the other, with a Nesu'ah (a married woman) - for whom one is Chayav Chenek (strangulation).
Hadar Zekenim: It needed to repeat Yin'af regarding Eishes Re'ehu, to prevent people from thinking that a Nochri's wife is precluded only from Misah, but that "Lo Sin'af" (in the Aseres ha'Dibros) applies to her as well.
Oznayim la'Torah: To teach us that someone who commits adultery sins on two scores - because of Bein Adam la'Makom (Eishes Ish) and because of Bein Adam la'Chaveiro (Eishes Re'eihi). 1
Oznayim la'Torah: And the same is true with regard to all cases of incest (provided the male relative is still alive).
Why does the Torah use the expression "Yin'af" specifically by Eishes Ish?
Ba'al ha'Turim (in Pasuk 18): Because Hashem is particularly angry with a man who commits adultery with another man's wife for rendering her forbidden to her husband. 1
And 'Ni'uf' is a expression of anger. See for example, Eikev Devarim, 9:8 & 20.
Which of the four Misos do the adulterers receive?
Targum Yonasan: Chenek if the woman is married; Sekilah, if she is betrothed.
Sanhedrin, 52b: Which we learn from the fact that the Torah uses the same word here (by Misah bi'Yedei Adam) as it does by Misah bi'Yedei Shamayim. Consequently, just as there, death ocurs without leaving a mark on the body, so too, here.
Targum Yonasan: By means of a hard cloth covered with a soft one.
Rashi writes that "Eishes Ish" precludes the wife of a Katan. We should know that a Katan cannot be Mekadesh since the Torah writes in Ki Seitzei Devarim, 24:1 "Ki Yikach Ish Ishah"?
Riva: The Pasuk is coming to exempt from Misah a Yevamah whose Yavam is a Katan above the age of nine. 1
Kidushin 19a: If a father is Meya'ed (betrothes) his son who is is Katan to his Amah Ivriyah, she is not subject to Misah if she subsequently commits adultery. 2
Yevamos 96a: Since the Chachamim gave his Yibum the Din of the Ma'amar of an adult. Tosfos Yevmos, 68a. mi'd'Oraisa, it does not acquire at all. According to the Ramban Yevamos, 96a mi'd'Oraisa it acquires, but the Torah decreed that there is no Misah for adultery with her.
The Gemara did not resolve whether Yi'ud does not take effect, or it takes effect, just there is no Misah for adultery with her.