Why did Avraham not consult Sarah beforehand, like he did when he approached Egypt (12: 11-13)?
Rashi: Having suffered once at the hand of Pharaoh, he did not think she would agree to go through the same ordeal again. 1
Ramban: There is no comparison between the two cases. The moment Avraham arrived in Egypt, the people reported the beautiful Sarah to the princes and to the king, since they were a depraved society. Hence it was necessary to consult Sarah, due to the imminent danger involved. Not so Avimelech, who was a decent king, 2 as were his subjects. 3 Avraham only referred to Sarah as his sister in order to be on the safe side. 4
See Oznayim la'Torah, who queries Rashi from Pasuk 3, which appears to contradict Rashi's comment.
See also Ibn Ezra to 20:2.
As is evident from the fact that, unlike the episode in Egypt, the people were not involved in Sarah being taken to the king.
The Ohr ha'Chayim gives a similar answer, but based on the fact that the Egyptians, who were swarthy, were not used to seeing a beautiful woman, whereas as far as the Pelishtim (who were fair) were concerned, a beautiful woman was not uncommon, and was therefore nothing to get excited about.
Is it not incredible that, at her age (she was over ninety), Sarah Imenu should still be attractive in the eyes of kings?
Ramban: It was indeed a miracle.
Ramban (citing Bava Metzia 87a): When the angel informed her that she would bear a son, her original youthfulness returned completely.
Rashi writes: "'El Sarah' - [means] 'Al Sarah.'" What is Rashi clarifying?
Gur Aryeh: Avraham did not say 'you are my sister,' but rather "she is my sister." This shows he was addressing others regarding Sarah.