
Why did Moshe use the title "Elokei ha'Ruchos"?


Rashi: Assuming (mistakenly) that Hashem was about to destroy all of Yisrael, Moshe pointed out that following a rebellion, human kings, cannot distinguish between those who sinned and those who didn't, and punish them all, but Hashem is able to distinguish between tose who sinned and those who didn't. 1


Rashbam: He meant that Hashem knows the hearts and the minds of tho rest of the people who did not sin.


So why did Hashem want to kill the whole nation? Refer to 16:22:2:1.


What did Moshe set out to achieve with his Tefilah?


Rashi and Ramban #1 (citing R. Chananel): He Davened that Hashem should change His mind and punish only Korach (and his congregation ? Ramban, ibid.) 1


Ramban #2 and Targum Yonasan: He set out to remove the punishment from the people 2 and to place it fairly and squarely on the shoulders of Korach and his henchmen, who were directly responsible for the rebellion, as is the way of those who plead for mercy on behalf of the masses. 3


Seforno: He set out to remove the punishment from the people and to place it fairly and squarely on the shoulders of Korach, who incited the congregtion to rise up against him and Aharon. 4


Rashi: To which Hashem replied that that is precisely what He had intended to do in the first place. Refer to 16:22:1:1.


Ramban: Who did not act sinfully like Korach did. Refer to 16:21:2:2.


Ramban: See for example Shmuel 2, 24:17.


Seforno: As in Pasuk 19.


Seeing as the entire congregation had assembled against Moshe, why did Moshe say ?ha?Ish Echad Yecheta??


Refer to 16:22:2:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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