
What do we learn from "Libi l'Mo'av Yiz'ak"?


Rashi: Nevi'im of Yisrael are unlike those of the nations. Bil'am wanted to uproot Yisrael for no reason, and Nevi'im of Yisrael mourn over punishment that comes on the nations!


Radak: The Navi says what everyone will say to each other. 'Za'akah' is a metaphor for the great cacophony.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The Mo'avim will say in their hearts to uproot until Tzo'ar.


Malbim: This is a metaphor, as if the Navi's heart, which sees the end, calls to Mo'av's army going to war, and tells them not to fight, for they will not succeed. Rather, they should flee.


Why does it say "Bericheha Ad Tzo'ar"?


Rashi: My heart screams for the strength of Mo'av, until Tzo'ar.


Rashi, based on Targum Yonasan: "Bericheha" is like Borecheha (its fleers); they will flee until Tzo'ar, like Lot (their patriarch), who fled to Tzo'ar (Bereishis 19:23). Radak - it says Bericheha (feminine), for Mo'av was compared to a female calf.


Malbim: They should flee until Tzo'ar.


What is "Eglas Shelishiyah"?


Rashi #1: It is their primary strength, like the third calf born from a cow.


Rashi #2: Shelishiyah means strong.


Radak: It is a three-year old calf 1 , which is good. So Mo'av was full of all good when the evil came to it. It says Eglas in place of Eglah (it is not Samuch); this is like "v'So'avas l'Adam Letz" (Mishlei 22:10) and similar verses.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It grew a third [of its final size].


Malbim: The Ma'agal (circle, group) of Shalishim 2 (officers) and Giborim of Mo'av.


Parah 1:1: R. Eliezer says that a one-year old is called an Eglah, and a two-year old is called a Parah (for Eglah Arufah and Parah Adumah). R. Meir says that a two-year old is called an Eglah, and a three-year old is called a Parah! However, Midrash Tana'im (Devarim 26:9) says 'k'Egel Ben Shalosh Shanim.' Perhaps this is like R. Meir; both refer to in its third year, after two full years. (PF)


This is like "Shalishim Al Kulo" (Shemos 14:7). (PF)


What is the meaning of "Ma'ale ha'Luchis [bi'Vchi Ya'aleh Bo]"?


Rashi: It is the place where one ascends the mountain. It is called Ma'ale ha'Luchis. Similarly, "Morad Choronayim" (Yirmeyah 48:5, is the descent from Choronayim). Those who flee on that path will cry. All of these places are of Mo'av.


Radak: Luchis is the name of a high place (they hoped to be protected there - Radak Yirmeyah 48:5).


Malbim: If they will fight, the Gibor who escapes will ascend there, crying.


What is "Chronayim"?


Radak: There are two cities - upper Choron and lower Choron 1 .


Malbim: It is in the valley, below the Ma'ale. The battlefield was there.


These are mentioned in Yehoshua 16:3, 5.


What is the meaning of "Ye'o'eru"?


Rashi: They will scream. This is Arame'ic. Targum Yonasan of "Lo Yidroch ha'Dorech Heidad" (16:10) is Lo Ye'o'erun 1 b'Kalhon.


Radak: It is [Leshon ha'Kodesh,] like Ya'iru' (they will waken); the first letter of the root is doubled.


Radak: Some say that the letters are reversed; this is like Yero'a'u, an expression of Teru'ah (screaming). I say that it refers to breaking, like Chazal said (Sotah 20a) 'if the Megilah written for her was erased, and she says 'I will not drink [the water]', Me'ar'arim her', i.e. we break and force her until she drinks. Even though here only the Ayin is doubled (and there also the Reish is doubled), they are the same. They will break themselves via screaming. They will clap their hands, and slap their thighs, like people who scream and cry.


Our text of Yonason there is Yatzerun, and in Yirmeyah 48:33, Lo Yatzerun... b'Kalhon. (PF)

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