CASES PERMITTED WHEN DONE THROUGH SCHEMING (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 11a)
[ãó ë òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îúðéúà áëìéí âãåìéí àáì áëìéí ÷èðéí îòøéí òìéäï åîèáéìï
(The Mishnah (Chulin 63(h)) taught that if a person immersed vessels on Shabbos - if it was Shogeg, he may use them; if it was Mezid, he may not use them.) The Mishnah was discussing large vessels, but for small vessels, he may immerse them in a scheming way (as if he is drawing water with it).
åúðé ø' äåùòéà îîìà äåà àãí ëìé èîà îï äáåø åîòøéí òìéå åîèáéìå
Baraisa (R. Hoshiya): A person may fill a Tamei vessel from the pit thereby immersing it in a scheming way.
åúðé ðôì ãìéå áúåê äáåø ðôì ëìéå ìúåê äáåø îòøéí òìéäï åîèáéìï
Baraisa: If a person's bucket or his vessels fell into the pit, he may scheme and thereby have immersed them.
úøéï àîåøàéï çã àîø áëìéí ùðèîàå áàá äèåîàä [ãó éà òîåã á] åçøðä àîø áëìéí ùðèîàå áåìã äèåîà'
Two Amoraim disagreed - one said that this technique may be used even if the vessels received Tumah from an Av HaTumah (which is a Torah Tumah). The other one said only if it received it from a Rabbinic Tumah such as a Rishon L'Tumah.
îúéá î''ã áååìã äèåîàä ìî''ã áàá äèåîàä åàôé' áçåì èòåï äòøá ùîù
Question (2nd opinion to 1st opinion): A vessel with a Torah Tumah must not be used until nightfall after it is immersed, so how could he immerse it on Shabbos for Shabbos use?
à''ì áøåöä ìäùúîù áäï çåìéï áèäøä
Answer: The requirement to wait only applies to using it with Terumah and Kodshim, but for Chulin, it can be used immediately.
ø' éøîéä ø' æòéøà áùí ø' çééà áø àùé àùä ôé÷çú îãéçä ëåñ (ëï)[ëàï] ÷òøä (ëï)[ëàï] úîçåé (ëï)[ëàï] ðîöàú îøáöú áéúä áùáú
(R. Yirmiyah/ R. Zeira citing R. Chiya bar Ashi): (It is prohibited to Merabetz on Shabbos - sprinkle water to prevent dust from rising) A clever woman will wash a cup here, a bowl there, and a pot there - thereby being Merabetz the entire house on Shabbos.
[ãó ëà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé ùîåàì áùí øáé àáäå áùåââ áàéñåø åáîæéã áàéñåø
(R. Shmuel citing R. Abahu): (When the Mishnah taught that if a person immersed vessels on Shabbos - if it was Shogeg, he may use them - even if he didn't know that immersing vessels was forbidden, it's considered Shogeg (as proven by the fact that the phrase is taught together with the intentional case).
à''ø éåñé îúðé' àîøä ëï äîòùø åäîáùì áùáú ùåââ éàëì îæéã ìà éàëì áùåââ áàéñåø áîæéã áàéñåø.
(R. Yosi): This can be seen in the Mishnah itself, as it continues to teach (Chullin 63(i)) that if a person tithed or cooked on Shabbos - if it was Shogeg, he may eat it; if it was Mezid, he may not eat it. (Certainly here, the Shogeg knew that he was cooking, but didn't know it was prohibited; the same understanding applies to the one immersing.
úðé äîáùì áùáú
(Baraisa): If a person cooked on Shabbos...
ùåââ éàëì îæéã ìà éàëì ãáøé ø''î
(R. Meir): If it was b'Shogeg, he may eat it (even on Shabbos); b'Mezid, he may not eat it (until after Shabbos).
ø' éäåãä àåîø áùåââ éàëì ìîåöàé ùáú áîæéã ìà éàëì òåìîéú
(R. Yehuda): B'Shogeg he may not eat (until after Shabbos); b'Mezid he may never eat it (but others may eat it after Shabbos).
ø''é äñðãìø àåîø áùåââ éàëì ìîåöàé ùáú ìàçøéí åìà ìå [ãó éá òîåã à] áîæéã ìà éàëì ìà ìå åìà ìàçøéí
(R. Yochanan HaSandler): B'Shogeg, others may eat it after Shabbos (but not him); B'Mezid, no-one may eat it.
ùîåàì ëø''é äñðãìø
Shmuel ruled like R. Yochanan HaSandler.
øá ëã äåä îåøé áçáåøúéä äåøé ëø''î áöéáåøà ëøáé éåçðï äñðãìø
When Rav ruled for his students, he would rule like R. Meir. In public, he ruled like R. Yochanan HaSandler.
à''ø ùîòåï áø áøñðà ëøáé éùîòàì áðå ùì øáé éåçðï áï áøå÷ä äåøé ìåï
(R. Shimon bar Barsana): Rav ruled for us like R. Yishmael, son of R. Yochanan ben Berokah...
ãúðé øáé éùîòàì áðå ùì øáé éåçðï áï áøå÷ä ëì ãáø ùçééáéï òì æãåðå ëøú åòì ùââúå çèàú åòùàå áùáú áéï áùåââ áéï áîæéã àñåø áéï ìå áéï ìàçøéí (ìà éàëì) [ãó ëà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åëì ãáø ùàéï çééáéï òì æãåðå ëøú åòì ùââúå çèàú åòùàå áùáú áùåââ éàëì ìî''ù ìàçøéí åìà ìå áîæéã ìà ìå åìà ìàçøéí
Baraisa (R. Yishmael, son of R. Yochanan ben Beroka): Any act that is punishable with Kares when done B'Mezid and is liable a Chatas offering when done B'Shogeg - if one did it on Shabbos, whether B'Shogeg or B'Mezid, the product is (permanently) prohibited both to him and to others. Any act that does not have these punishments (as it is a Rabbinic prohibition), if it was done b'Shogeg, others may eat it after Shabbos; b'Mezid, nobody may eat it.
áòåï ÷åîé øáé éåçðï àú îä àú àîø
Question (to R. Yochanan): What is the Halacha for one who cooks on Shabbos?
àîø ìåï àðé àéï ìé àìà îùðä äîòùø åäîáùì áùáú áùåââ éàëì áîæéã ìà éàëì
Answer: I can only follow (our) Mishnah (Chulin 63(i) that follows the view of R. Meir) - If a person tithed or cooked on Shabbos - if it was Shogeg, he may eat it; if it was Mezid, he may not eat it (until after Shabbos).
ùîò øá çñãà åîø äåúøå ùáúåú ìà ëï
Rav Chisda heard this and said that it will cause Shabbos to be viewed lightly in peoples' eyes.
àîø øá äåðà áùí øá åúðé ø' çééà ëï áøàùåðä äéå àåîøéí äùåëç úáùéìå òì âáé ëéøúå áùáú áùåââ éàëì áîæéã ìà éàëì ðçùãå ùäéå îðéçéí îæéãéí åàåîøéí ùëéçéí äééðå åàñøå ìäí àú äùåëç åàú àîø äëà äëéï
(Rav Chisda continues...) (Rav Huna citing Rav/ R. Chiya's Baraisa): Originally they said that one who forgets his pot cooking on the stove coming into Shabbos (which is a Rabbinic prohibition known as Shehiyah) - if it was b'Shogeg he may eat it; if b'Mezid he should not eat it. Once people became suspected of intentionally leaving it and claiming that they forgot it there, they prohibited the food even if it was forgotten there. So how could we rule leniently like R. Meir?
à''ø äéìà ðçùãå ìäéåú îðéçéí åìà ðçùãå ìäéåú îáùìéï ÷ðñå áîðéç åìà ÷ðñå áîáùì
Rebuttal (R. Hila): They were suspected of leaving pots on the stove coming into Shabbos (which is Rabbinic and does not involve any prohibited act on Shabbos itself) but they weren't suspected of cooking on Shabbos. Therefore they penalized one who accidently leaves it coming into Shabbos but not one who accidently cooked on Shabbos.
çæøå ìåîø ëì úáùéì ùäåà îöèî÷ åéôä ìå àñåø îöèî÷ åøò ìå îåúø
(Conclusion of R. Chiya's Baraisa): They later said that only a dish that improves with further cooking becomes prohibited (even if accidentally left on the stove coming into Shabbos) but if extra cooking is detrimental to it, it is permitted to eat.
àéæä úáùéì ùäåà îöèî÷ åéôä ìå ëøåá åàôåðéï åáùø èøåó
Which foods improve with further cooking? Cabbage, beans and small pieces of meat.
à''ø úðçåí áø òéìà àó øàùé ìôúåú åøàùé ÷ôìåèåú òùå àåúï ëúáùéì ùäåà îöèî÷ åéôä ìå
(R. Tanchum bar Ila): Even turnip and small onion heads are considered foods that improve with further cooking.
áéöéí îä äï
Question: In which category are eggs?
øáé éåñé áùí ø' éùîòàì ø' éøîéä ø' çðéðà áùí ø' éùîòàì áé ø' éåñé àáà òìä ìáéúå åîöà ùí áéöéí åàñø çîéï åäúéø
Answer (R. Yosi citing R. Yishmael/ R. Yirmiyah/ R. Chanina citing R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi): My father (R. Yosi) went home and found eggs (that had been left on the stove coming into Shabbos) and he prohibited them; he found hot water and permitted it.
ø' ùîåàì áø ðúï áùí ø' çîà áø çðéðà àðé åàáà òìéðå ìçîú âãø åäáéàå ìôðéðå áéöéí ÷èðåú ëòæøéãéï åèòîåï éôä ëôéð÷øéñéï
(R. Shmuel bar Nasan citing R. Chama bar Chanina): My father and I went to Chamas Gader and they served us eggs that were cooked until they were as small as sorb apples and they tasted as good as Pinkrisin.
úðé ìà úîìà àùä ÷ãéøä òññéåú åúåøîñéï åúúðí ìúåê äúðåø ò''ù òí çùéëä åàí ðúðåí àñåøéí ìîåöàé ùáú òã ëãé ùéòùå
(Baraisa): A woman should not fill a pot with beans and put it in the oven just before Shabbos. If she did, they are prohibited until long enough after Shabbos to be able to cook them.
ø' àçà àîø áîæéã ëø''î
(R. Acha): The Baraisa is a case of Mezid and follows R. Meir.
ø' éåñé àîø áùåââ ëø' éäåãà
(R. Yosi disagrees): It's a case of Shogeg and follows R. Yehuda.
BENEFITING FROM FORBIDDEN PLANTING (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 12a)
[ãó ëá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à''ø îðà éàåú à''ø éåñé
(R. Mana): R. Yosi is correct, as we see in the following Baraisa...
äðåèò áùáú áùåââ é÷ééí áîæéã éò÷åø áùáéòéú áéï áùåââ áéï áîæéã éò÷åø
Support (Baraisa): One who plants a sapling on Shabbos - B'Shogeg, he may leave it; B'Mezid he must uproot it. If he planted it in Sheviis, whether B'Shogeg or B'Mezid, he must uproot it.
ø' éäåãà àîø çéìåó äãáøéí áùáéòéú áùåââ é÷ééí áîæéã éò÷åø áùáú áéï áùåââ áéï áîæéã éò÷åø îôðé ùäðééú ùáú òìéå
(R. Yehuda): It's the opposite - in Sheviis, B'Shogeg he may leave it; B'Mezid he must uproot it. On Shabbos, whether B'Shogeg or B'Mezid, he must uproot it, so that he won't benefit from Melacha done on Shabbos.
åëàï îëéåï ùàú àîø äîúï ìîåöàé ùáú òã ëãé ùéòùä ëîé ùìà ðäðä îçîú ùáú ëìåí
Conclusion of proof: Here also, when the pot was put on before Shabbos and he was required to wait until long enough after Shabbos to be able to cook them, it was also in order to avoid benefitting from anything done on Shabbos, like the opinion of R. Yehuda.
[ãó éá òîåã á] îä èòí ãøáðï ðçùãå òì äùáéòéú åìà ðçùãå òì äùáúåú ã''à îåðéï ìùáéòéú åàéï îåðéï ìùáúåú
What is the Rabbanans' reasoning (in this Baraisa)? People are suspected of transgressing Sheviis but not Shabbos. Alternatively, people will count the years of Orlah of a sapling and conclude that it must have been planted in Sheviis and mistakenly learn from it. This isn't relevant with Shabbos.
äéàê òáéãà ðèò ôçåú îùìùéí éåí ìôðé ùáéòéú åðëðñä ìùáéòéú àéï úéîø çùã àéï ëàï çùã àéï úéîø îåðéï éù ëàï îåðéï ðèò ôçåú îùìùéí éåí ìôðé îåöàé ùáéòéú åðëðñä ùîéðéú [ãó ëá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àéï úéîø çùã éù ëàï çùã åàúéà ëî''ã îôðé (îåðéï)[äçùã] áøí ëî''ã îôðé )çùã([îåðéï] å÷ðñå ùåââ îôðé îæéã:
What's the difference between these reasons? If he planted less than 30 days before Sheviis and then Sheviis arrived, if you are concerned for suspicion, it doesn't apply here. If you are concerned for 'counting' it would apply here. If he planted less than 30 days before the end of Sheviis and the 8th year arrived, there is a concern for suspicion but according to the one who is concerned for 'counting', they penalized inadvertent for intentional transgression.