COMPLETED PRODUCE FOR UNCOMPLETED PRODUCE (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 8a)
úðéðï ãáúøä àéï úåøîéï îãáø ùðâîøä îìàëúå òì ãáø ùìà ðâîøä îìàëúå åäëà ìùòáø äà ìëúçéìä ìà åëà àôéìå ìëúçéìä
Question: (The Mishnah taught that one may separate oil for pickled olives or wine for grapes that will be made into raisins.) But the Mishnah later says that may not separate from a completed produce for an uncompleted produce...but if he did, it is valid (and the Mishnah actually permitted it)...?
àéï úéîø ùðééà äéà îãáø ùðâîøä îìàëúå
If you suggest that our Mishnah is different because the grapes that are for making raisins are considered complete...
äà úðéðï äôøã åäöîå÷éí åäçøåáéï îùéòîéã òøéîä.
Rebuttal: It was taught that the work is considered complete when the pomegranate has dried out, when the grapes have become raisins and when the carobs have been made into a pile.
[ãó èå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåñé áï éåñé áùí øáé éöç÷ áï ìòæø àéï ìê àñåø îãáø ùðâîøä îìàëúå òì ãáø ùìà ðâîøä îìàëúå àìà âåøï åé÷á áìáã.
Answer (R. Yosi ben Yosi citing R. Yitzchak ben Elazar): The prohibition to separate from a completed produce for an uncompleted produce only applies to grains, wine and oil.
ìôé îä äåà úåøí ìôé ùîðï àå ìôé àåëìï
Question: When one separates oil for olives, does he separate according to the oil that the olives produce or according to the edible part of the olives themselves?
à''ø éåçðï àééúéúä îãçéìôéé øáé àåîø ìôé (àåëìï)[ùîðï] øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø ìôé (ùîðï)[àåëìï] àáì ìà òì âøòéðéäåï
Answer (R. Yochanan): The Baraisa of Chilfai proves it - Rebbi says that it's according to their oil and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that it's according to their edible part, without their pits.
äëì îåãéí áëìåëñéï ùäï úåøîéï ìôé àåëìï àáì ìà òì âøòéðéðï.
All agree about Keluksin olives that they are according to their edible parts without their pits.
çððéä áòé åàó ìòðéï ùáú ëï
Question (Chananya): Do they have the same dispute about the amount to be liable for taking them out into a public domain on Shabbos?
àùëç úðé øáé àåîø áøáéòéú øáé ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø ëâøåâøåú.
Answer (Baraisa): Rebbi says a Revi'is (86cc) and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says a fig's amount.
àîø øáé çððéä áùí øáé äìì åàó àðï ðîé úðéðï äãà ãîñééò ìäãà ãúðé øáé äåùòéà æéúéí òì æéúéí åäåà òúéã ìëåúùï òðáéí òì òðáéí åäåà òúéã ìãåøëï úøåîä åéçæåø åéúøåí åúðéðï îé ùúøí ùîï òì æéúéí ìàëéìä æéúéí òì æéúéí ìàëéìä ééï òì òðáéí ìàëéìä åòðáéí òì òðáéí ìàëéìä åðîìê ìãåøëï àéðå öøéê ìçæåø åìúøåí îôðé ùðîìê äà ìà ðîìê úøåîä åéçæåø åéúøåí:
(R. Chananya citing R. Hillel): The Mishnah's statement (earlier Chulin 60(c)) is a support for R. Hoshiya's Baraisa. His Baraisa teaches, "If he separated olives for olives that will be pressed or grapes for grapes that will be pressed; when he then pressed them, he must separate Terumah again.'' The Mishnah taught, "One who separated oil for olives that will be eaten or olives for olives that will be eaten, or wine for grapes that will be eaten or grapes for grapes that will be eaten and then decided to press them, he does not need to separate Terumah again.'' But if he didn't change his mind, it is Terumah and he must separate again.
øáé àéîé áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù åðçùá ìëí úøåîúëí ëãâï îï äâåøï îîä ùäåà îöåä àú áðé ìåé ìúøåí îï äâîåø [ãó èå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äãà àîøä ùàñåø ìéúï ìå ùéáìéï
(R. Imi citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): (The Mishnah taught that one may not separate from incompleted produce for completed produce.) The pasuk states (Bamidbar 18:27), "And your Terumah (Terumas Maaser) shall be considered for you like grain from the threshing floor'' - from that which the Leviim were told to take Terumas Maaser from completed produce, it teaches that he may not give unprocessed ears of grain to the Kohen.
çééà áø àãà áùí ø''ù áï ì÷éù îòùø øàùåï ùä÷ãéîå áùéáìéï àñåø ìåëì îîðå òøàé åîä èòí àú [ãó ç òîåã á] ÷ãùé áðé éùøàì ìà úçììå åìà úîåúå.
(Chiya bar Ada citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): If Maaser Rishon was wrongly separated when the produce was still in ears, one may not even eat from it casually (as it is Tevel). What's the source for this? The pasuk states (Bamidbar 18:32), "you shall not profane the holy items of the children of Israel, so that you shall not die''.
îäå ùéì÷å òì èáìå ãáø úåøä
Question: Would one incur lashes from the Torah for eating such Tevel?
øáé àùéàï áùí øáé éåðä îúðéúà àîøä ëï àéï ìå÷éï òì èáìå ãáø úåøä ãúðéðï úîï úøåîú îòùø ùåä ìáéëåøéí áùðé ãøëéí åìúøåîä áùðé ãøëéí åðéèìú îï äèäåø òì äèîà åùìà îï äîå÷ó ëáéëåøéí åàåñøú îï äâåøï åéù ìä ùéòåø ëúøåîä
Answer (R. Ashian citing R. Yona): The Mishnah (in Maseches Bikurim) teaches that one does not - 'Terumas Maaser is similar to Bikurim in two ways and similar to Terumah in two ways. One may separate from Tahor for Tamei and from produce not in close proximity, like Bikurim. But it prohibits the produce on the threshing floor and it has a specific measure, like Terumah.'
àéú ìê îéîø àåñøú îï äâåøï ìà ìàçø îéøåç äãà àîøä ùàéï ìå÷éï òì èáìå ãáø úåøä:
Don't you say that the term 'Terumas Maaser prohibits the produce on the threshing floor' means after the smoothing of the grain there (which is the completion of its processing)? This shows that one does not incur lashes from the Torah for eating unprocessed Maaser Rishon Tevel.