CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


HOW SHEVIIS FRUITS MAY BE SOLD (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 22b)

îùðä àéï îåëøéï ôéøåú ùáéòéú ìà áîãä åìà áîù÷ì åìà áîðéï åìà úàðéí áîðéï åìà éø÷ áîù÷ì


(Mishnah): One may not sell Sheviis fruits by size, weight or number; figs may not be sold by number; vegetables may not be sold by weight.

á''ù àåîøéí àó ìà àâåãåú


(Beis Shammai): One may not even sell it by the bundle.

åáéú äéìì àåîøéí àú ùãøëå ìàâåã àåúå ááéú àåâãéï àåúå áùå÷ ëâåï äëøéùéï åðõ äçìá:


(Beis Hillel): That which is normal to be bundled for the home may be bundled for the market - for example leeks and Netz Hachalav.

âîøà ìîä ëãé ùéîëøå áæåì åéù÷ìå áìéèøà åéîëøå áæåì àí àîø àú ëï àó äåà àéðå ðåäâ áäï á÷ãåùä


(Gemara): Why (may it not be sold by size, weight or number, but rather by estimate)? So that it will be sold at a low price. Why not just weight it and sell it for a low price? He might forget.

úðé ôéøåú ç''ì ùðëðñå ìàøõ ì éäå ðîëøéï ìà áîãä åìà áîù÷ì åìà áîðéï àìà ëôéøåú äàøõ åàí äéå ðëøéï îåúø


(Baraisa): Fruits of Chutz LaAretz that were brought into Eretz Yisrael should also not be sold by measure, weight or number, like the fruits of Eretz Yisrael. But if they are recognizable as fruits of Chutz LaAretz, it is permitted.

àîø øáé éåñé á''ø áåï àéìéï ÷åøã÷éà ãñì÷éï åîæãáðéï îï ñåñéà ìèáøéà


(R. Yosi b' R. Bun): An example is Kurdakaya, that is brought from Susia to Tiveria.

øáé çæ÷éä áùí øáé àáà áø îîì æä ùäåà îåãø áëôéùä åðñúééîä ìå ùðéí åùìùä ôòîéí àñåø ìîåã áä


(R. Chizkiyah citing R. Abba bar Mamal): If a person has a basket (that is not usually used for measuring) and after measuring with it two or three times, he know how much it contains, it is prohibited to use to measure for selling.

[ãó ñâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé äåùòéà àñåø îéîø òáåã àöáòê


(R. Hoshiya): It is prohibited for the buyer to tell the seller to measure the vessel's volume with his fingers.

èáç ëäï ùðúîðä ìå áëåø îäå î÷èòúà ÷åôãéï åîæáðúà âåà ùå÷à


Proof: (The Mishnah taught that Beis Hillel say - that which is normal to be bundled for the home may be bundled for the market.) If a Kohen butcher had a blemished Bechor (firstborn animal) to sell - may he cut it into pieces to sell it in the market?

ø' éøîéä ñáø îéîø ùøà îï äãà àú ùãøëå ìéàâã ááéú àåâãéï àåúå áùå÷


R. Yirmiyah suggested that it is permitted, based on (Beis Hillel in the Mishnah who taught -) that which is normal to be bundled for the home may be bundled for the market.

àîø øáé îðà ëì âøîä äéà àîøä ãäåà àñåø ùìà éäà ëòåùä ñçåøä áâåôå:


(R. Mana): On the contrary - the Mishnah implies that for a butcher, even the way he cuts at home is considered like merchandise, since he also sells meat from the home - therefore it is prohibited.


THE WAGES OF A LABORER (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 8 Halachah 4 Daf 22b)

îùðä äàåîø ìôåòì äéìê àéñø æä åì÷åè ìé éø÷ äéåí ùëøå îåúø ì÷è ìé áå éø÷ äéåí ùëøå àñåø


(Mishnah): One who tells a laborer, "Here is an Issar (coin) - pick (Sheviis) vegetables for me today''; his wages are permitted. If he said, "Pick vegetables for me today in return for it'', his wages are forbidden.

ì÷ç îï äðçúåí ëëø áôåðãéåï ëùàì÷åè éø÷åú ùãä àáéà ìê îåúø ì÷ç îîðå ñúí ìà éùìí îãîé ùáéòéú ùàéï ôåøòéï çåá îãîé ùáéòéú:


It's permitted for a person to take a loaf from a baker worth a Pundion and said, "When I've picked field vegetables, I will bring them to you (as payment)''. But if he bought it from him (on credit) without explaining, he may not pay with Sheviis money, as one may not pay off debts with Sheviis money.

âîøà îä áéï äàåîø ì÷åè ìé åáéï äàåîø ì÷åè ìé áå


(Gemara): What's the difference whether he said, "pick for me today'' or "pick for me today in return for it''?

øáé àáéï áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðà îäìëåú ùì òéîòåí äéà


(R. Avin citing R. Yosi ben Chanina): This is from the Halachos of Imum (situations where the Chachamim discussed and ultimately were lenient even though both cases should really be prohibited).

úîï úðéðï ìà éàîø àãí ìçáéøå äòì àú äôéøåú äàìå ìéøåùìéí ìçì÷ àìà àåîø äòìí ùðàëìí åðùúí áéøåùìéí


Mishnah in Maseches Maaser Sheni: A person shouldn't say to his friend, "Take these fruits to Yerushalayim to divide between us'' - as it's as if he is giving him a share as payment for bringing them. He should instead say, "Bring them up and we will eat and drink them in Yerushalayim''.

øáé æòéøà áùí øáé éåðúï îäéìëåú ùì òéîòåí äéà


(R. Zeira citing R. Yonasan): This is from the Halachos of Imum.

[ãó ñã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úîï úðéðï ùåàì àãí îçáéøå ëãé ééï åëãé ùîï åáìáã ùìà éàîø ìå äìåéðé


Mishnah in Maseches Shabbos: A person may borrow wine jugs or oil jugs as long as he doesn't say, "Loan me''.

îä áéï äàåîø äìåéðé ìáéï äàåîø äùàéìðé


Question: What's the difference whether he says "Loan me'' or "Lend me''?

àîø ø' æòéøà áùí øáé éåðúï îäéìëåú ùì òîòåí äéà


(R. Zeira citing R. Yonasan): This is from the Halachos of Imum.


THE BREAD OF GENTILES (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 8 Halachah 4 Daf 23a)

[ãó ëâ òîåã à] ôéúï øáé éò÷á áø àçà áùí øáé éåðúï îäéìëåú ùì òéîòåí


(R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Yonasan): The bread of gentiles is from the Halachos of Imum.

àîø øáé éåñé ÷ùééúä ÷åîé øáé éò÷á áø àçà îäå îäìëåú ùì òéîòåí àðé àåîø [áî÷åí ùôú éùøàì îöåéä áãéï äåà ùúäà ôú òëå''í àñåøä åòéîòîå òìéä åäúéøåä àå] áî÷åí ùàéï ôú éùøàì îöåéä áãéï äéä ùúäà ôú òëå''í îåúøú åòéîòîå òìéä åàñøåä


(R. Yosi): I asked R. Yaakov bar Acha - in what way was it from the Halachos of Imum - was it in a place where Jewish bread was common, so bread of gentiles should have been prohibited, but they discussed it and permitted it; or was it in a place that Jewish bread was not common, so bread of gentiles should have been permitted, but they discussed it and prohibited it...?

àîø øáé îðà åéù òîòåí ìàéñåø åôú ìà ëúáùéìé òëå''í äéà ëê àðå àåîøéí áî÷åí ùàéï úáùéìé éùøàì îöåééï ùí áãéï äåà ùéäà úáùéìé òëå''í îåúøéï åòîòîå òìéä åàñøåí àìà ëï äéä áî÷åí ùàéï ôú éùøàì îöåééï áãéï ùúäà ôú òëå''í àñåøä àìà ùòîòîå òìéä åäúéøåäå îôðé çéé ðôù


(R. Mana): Is there such a thing as Imum to prohibit? Isn't the decree of bread part of the decree of food of gentiles - but did we say that in a place where Jewish food isn't available, food of gentiles should be permitted, but the Chachamim came and 'Imumu' - said it was prohibited? Rather, in a place where Jewish bread is not available, the gentile bread should have still been prohibited, but the Chachamim permitted it because bread is a basic staple for living.

øáðï ã÷éñøé áùí øáé éò÷á áø àçà ëãáøé îé ùäåà îúéø åáìáã îï äôìèø åìà òáãéï ëï


(Rabbanan of Kisari citing R. Yaakov bar Acha): The Halacha is like this opinion that permits the bread of gentiles (when Jewish bread is not available), as long as it is baker's bread. However those Rabbanan didn't themselves follow this leniency.

ø''ù áï ì÷éù àåîø áîøàä ìå àú (äìå÷è)[ä÷ìçéí] ùàéðå àìà ëðåúï ìå ùëø øâìå


(R. Shimon ben Lakish): (Explaining the earlier question (above 2(c))) - the Mishnah was lenient in the case of 'Pick for me today', as it's discussing when he shows him where he can find the vegetables and he is paying him for his travel. (Therefore, the payment is permitted; but if he doesn't tell him the location, he is paying him for the vegetable that he will pick).

øáé éåçðï àîø àôéìå ìà äøàä ìå ëîé ùäøàä ìå


(R. Yochanan): Even if he doesn't show him the location, it is as if he did (since all produce is Hefker and he can take produce from anywhere).

îúðé' ôìéâà òì (øéù ì÷éù)[øáé éåçðï] [ãó ñã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ãúðéà äùåëø àú äôåòì ìäáéà ìå ééï ìçåìä àå úôåç ìçåìä àí äáéà çééá ìéúï ìå àí ìàå àéðå çééá ìéúï ìå àáì àí àîø ìå ééï ìçåìä îî÷åí ôìåðé úôåç ìçåìä îî÷åí ôìåðé áéï ùäáéà áéï ùìà äáéà çééá ìéúï ìå ùëø øâìéå äåà ðåúï ìå] îä òáã ìä øáé éåçðï[


Question: There's a Baraisa that is unlike R. Yochanan - One who hires a worker to bring wine or an apple for a sick person, if he brought it, the owner must pay; if not, he does not need to pay. But if the sender told him to bring wine or an apple for the sick person from a certain place and he went to that place, whether or not he actually brought it (as he didn't find it there), the sender must pay him, since he's paying him for his travelling there. (However, according to R. Yochanan, even if he didn't tell him where to go, it as if he did.) (Note: The changes in this and the next three entries follow the text of the Vilna Gaon.)

]÷ì ä÷éìå áùáéòéú ùäéà îãøáðï[


Answer: They said a leniency for Sheviis (since nowadays it is Rabbinic).

îúðé' ôìéâà òì )øáé éåçðï([øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù] ãúðé ìà éàîø àãí ìôìåðé äà ìê ãéðø æä åäáà ìé ì÷è äéåí äáà ìé ôàä äéåí àìà àåîø ìå áì÷è ùúáéà ìé äéåí áôéàä ùúáéà ìé äéåí åëï àúä îåöà ááï ìåé åäøé ìà äøàä ìå åàú àîøú ëîé ùäøàä ìå (îä òáã ìä øáé éåçðï ÷ì ä÷éìå áùáéòéú ùäéà îãøáðï) ]îä òáéã ìä ø''ù áï ì÷éù[


Question: There's a Baraisa that is unlike R. Shimon ben Lakish - A person shouldn't say to someone, "Take this Dinar and bring me Leket today'' or "...bring me Peah today'' (as it's as if the poor man is collecting for him). Rather he should say, "...for the Leket/Peah that you will bring today'' (as it's as if the poor man is collecting and then selling it to him). And the same applies to a Ben Levi.

åäøé ìà äøàä ìå åàú àîøú ëîé ùäøàä ìå (îä òáã ìä øáé éåçðï ÷ì ä÷éìå áùáéòéú ùäéà îãøáðï) ]îä òáéã ìä ø''ù áï ì÷éù[


Conclusion of question: In the first case, even if he didn't show him where to collect, it is as if he is collecting for him...? (This is a question against R. Shimon ben Lakish.)

]ôúø ìä áîøàä ìå[


Answer: He did in fact show him (where to collect).

ì÷ç îï äðçúåí ëáø áôåðãéåï ëùàì÷åè éø÷åú äùãä àáéà ìê îåúø


The Mishnah taught - It's permitted for a person to take a loaf from a baker worth a Pundion and said, "When I've picked field vegetables, I will bring them to you (as payment)''.

úðé øáé éåãà åøáé ðçîéä àåñøéí


Baraisa: R. Yehuda and R. Nechemia prohibit it.

îä àðï ÷ééîéï áääåà ãàîø äá ìé åáøé ìé àðà éäá ìê [ãó ñä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' éäåãà åø' ðçîéä àåñøéï ùàéï éø÷åú ùãä îöåééï åçëîéí îúéøéï îôðé ùéø÷åú ùãä îöåééï:


What's the case? If the buyer said to the baker, "Give me (a Kikar) and I am certain that I will give you field vegetables''. R. Yehuda and R. Nechemia prohibit it, as they hold that field vegetables are not so common. The Chachamim permit it as they hold that field vegetables are common in Sheviis.