CHULIN 30 (19 Teves) - Dedicated in memory of Hagaon Rav Yisrael Avraham Abba ben Harav Chaim Binyamin Ze'ev Krieger ZT"L, author of Yad Yisrael (on Rambam) and many other Sefarim. Dedicated by his granddaughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Avi and Lily Berger, of Queens, New York.


PERMITTED USES OF SHEVIIS PRODUCE (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 8 Halachah 2 Daf 22a)

[ãó ñá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ùáéòéú ðúðä ìàëéìä åìùúéä åìñéëä ìåëì ëì ãáø ùãøëå ìàëåì åìñåê ãáø ùãøëå ìñåê


(Mishnah): Sheviis produce may be eaten, drank or rubbed. That which is usually eaten may only be eaten; that which is usually rubbed may only be used to rub.

åìà éñåê ééï åçåîõ àáì ñê àú äùîï åëï áúøåîä åáîò''ù ÷ì îäï ùáéòé' ùðúðä ìäãì÷' äðø:


One may not rub with wine and vinegar, but one may rub with oil. The same limitations apply to Terumah and Maaser Sheni. The most lenient (of these) is Sheviis, because its products may be used for lighting.

âîøà ëéöã ìåëì ãáø ùãøëå ìåëì àéï îçééáéï àåúå ìåëì ìà ôú ùòéôùä åìà ÷ðåáú éø÷ åìà úáùéì ùðú÷ì÷ì öåøúå åëï äåà ùáé÷ù ìåëì úøãéï çééï àå ìëåñ çéèéï çéåú àéï ùåîòéï ìå


(Gemara): What's the meaning of 'that which is usually eaten'? We do not obligate him to eat rotting bread, refuse of vegetables or a pot of food whose flavor is spoiled; and similarly, if he wanted to eat raw spinach or chew wheat seeds, they don't allow him.

ëéöã ìùúåú ãáø ùãøëå ìùúåú àéï îçééáéï àåúå ìùúåú àðéâøåï åìà àé÷ñâåøéï åìà ééï åùîøéí


What's the meaning of 'that which is usually drank''? We do not obligate him to drink Anigron (water of boiled beets), Iksagurin (water of mixed vegetables), or wine (of the bottom of the barrel) with its sediment (which are all not usually drank).

äçåùù áùéðéå ìà éäà îâîà çåîõ åôåìè àáì îâîà äåà åîáìéò åîèáì ëì öøëå åàéðå çåùù äçåùù âøåðå ìà éòøòðå áùîï àáì ðåúï äåà ùîï ìúåê àðéâøåï åâåîà


A person with a toothache should not gulp Sheviis vinegar and spit it out, but he may gulp it and swallow it. He may dip his food in Sheviis vinegar without limitations. A person with a sore throat may not wash out his throat with Sheviis oil (even if he doesn't swallow it), but he may add a large quantity of oil to his Anigron and gulp it.

ìà éñåê ééï åçåîõ àáì ñê äåà àú äùîï äçåùù àú øàùå àå ùòìå áå çèèéï ñê ùîï àáì ìà éñåê ééï åçåîõ


One should not rub with wine and vinegar but he may rub oil...One who has a headache or he has sores on his head, he may rub his head with oil but not with wine and vinegar.

[ãó ñá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àéï îôèîéï ùîï ùì ùáéòéú àáì ìå÷ç äåà ùîï òøá [á]ùáéòéú åàéðå çåùù


One should not add herb roots to oil of Sheviis (as they absorb the oil and becomes lost), but one may buy scented oil with (Sheviis money) in Sheviis without concern (even though the oil receives the sanctity of Sheviis and he may then discard the herbs, even though they have absorbed Sheviis oil, since they are no longer usable for anything). (Note: This entry follows the explanation of Rav Chaim Kanievski shlita.)

[ãó ëá òîåã á] øáé àéîé ñáø îéîø àôé' îï äçùåã


R. Imi suggested that it's permitted to buy such oil even from someone suspected (of transgressing the prohibitions of Sheviis).

àîø øáé éåñé ìà àîøå àìà áùàéðå éåãò àí çùåã àí àéðå çùåã äà ãáø áøé ùäåà çùåã àñåø


(R. Yosi): They only allowed it if the seller's status is unknown, but if he is certainly suspected, it is prohibited.

îäå ìôèí ééï ùì ùáéòéú


Question: May one add spices to Sheviis wine (just as it is permitted to do so to Terumah and Maaser Sheni wine - as is taught in Masechtos Terumos 11:1 and Maaser Sheni 2:1)?

ðùîòéðà îï äãà ÷ì îäï ùáéòéú ùðúðä ìäãì÷ú äðø äãà àîøä ùäåà îåúø


Answer: (Our Mishnah taught that) the most lenient is Sheviis (even more than Maaser Sheni and Terumah), because its products may be used for lighting. This indicates that it is (also) permitted to add spices to Sheviis wine.

åäúðé àñåø


Question (Baraisa): It is prohibited...?

àîø øáé àìòæø ãøáé éäåãà äéà ãøáé éäåãà îúéø îôðé ùäåà îùáéçå


Answer (R. Elazar): Our Mishnah is the view of R. Yehuda, who permits boiling Terumah wine because it improves it (even though it reduces its volume. He would have the same view of adding spices to Sheviis wine.)

÷ì îäï ùáéòéú ùðúðä ìäãì÷ú äðø åúøåîä ìà ðúðä ìäãì÷ú äðø


Question: The Mishnah taught that Sheviis is the most lenient because its products may be used for lighting. Isn't this also the case with Terumah?

úøåîä èîàä ðúðä ìäãì÷ú äðø ùáéòéú àôéìå èäåøä ðúðä ìäãì÷ú äðø


Answer: Only impure Terumah may be lit but even Sheviis produce that is Tahor may be lit.

øáé çæ÷éä òì îñçé éäá öìåçéúà åìåæéîà àåøééúà à''ì àòì ìéä ìé ìàùåðà à''ì ìéú àñåø [ãó ñâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àúà ùàì ìøáé éøîéä àúà åàîø ìéä ìîãúðå


R. Chizkiyah entered the bathhouse, gave a jug of Sheviis oil to the attendant there called Zosimi and told him, "Bring the jug to the inner room so that I can rub with it''. Zosimi asked him, "Isn't it prohibited (to take Sheviis oil there, as it is a disgrace)?'' R. Chizkiyah asked R. Yirmiyah, who told him that it's prohibited. R. Chizkiyah went back to Zosimi and said, "You taught us (a Halacha)!''

åúðé ëï àéï ñëéï ùîï ùì ùáéòéú áîøçõ àáì ñê äåà îáçåõ åðëðñ åìà ùîï ùøéôä ìà ááúé ëðñéåú åìà ááúé îãøùåú îôðé áæéåï ÷ãùéí:


Support (Baraisa): One may not rub with Sheviis oil in a bathhouse, but one may rub outside and enter. And one may not light with impure Terumah oil in Shuls and Batei Midrash - these are prohibited because of the disgrace to Holy items.