TO WHICH FRUITS DOES SHEVIIS APPLY? (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 7 Halachah 1 Daf 18a)
îùðä ëìì âãåì àîøå áùáéòéú ëì ùäåà îàëì àãí åîàëì áäîä åîîéï äöåáòéï åàéðå îú÷ééí áàøõ éù ìå ùáéòéú åìãîéå ùáéòéú éù ìå áéòåø åìãîéå áéòåø
(Mishnah): They said a general rule about Sheviis - anything which is human food or animal food or used as a dye and it doesn't not remain in the ground (as it rots and disappears), it has the sanctity of Sheviis and so does its money (meaning that if it's sold, the money also receives its sanctity). Biur must be done on it and its money.
åàéæä æä òìä äìåó äùåèä åòìä äøðãà äòåìùéï åäëøéùéï äøâéìà åðõ äçìá åîàëì áäîä äçåçéí åäãøãéï åîîéï äöåáòéï ñôéçé àéñèéñ [ãó ðá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åä÷åöä éù ìäï ùáéòéú åìãîéäï ùáéòéú éù ìäï áéòåø åìãîéäï áéòåø
What are (examples of things that are not human food but have the sanctity of Sheviis)? The leaf of a wild Luf, a mint, endives, leek, Regilah and Netz Hachalav. What are (examples of) animal food? Chochim and Dardarim (types of thorns). What are (examples of) things used as dyes? Growths of Istis (used for turquoise dye) and Kotzah (used for red dye).
òåã ëìì àçø àîøå ëì ùäåà îàëì àãí åîàëì áäîä åîîéï äöåáòéï åîú÷ééí áàøõ éù ìå ùáéòéú åìãîéå ùáéòéú àéï ìå áéòåø åìà ìãîéå áéòåø
They said another general rule (about Sheviis) - Anything which is human food or animal food or used as a dye and it remains in the ground, it has the sanctity of Sheviis and so does its money (if it's sold, the money also receives its sanctity). But Biur is not done on it and its money.
àéæä æä òé÷ø äìåó äùåèä åòé÷ø äøðãà äòø÷áìéï åäçìáöéí åäáåëøéà åîï äöåáòéí äôåàä åäøëôà éù ìäï ùáéòéú åìãîéäï ùáéòéú àéï ìäï áéòåø åìãîéäï áéòåø
What are (examples of this)? The root of the wilf Luf, the mint, the Akrebanin, the Chalbatin and the Buchria. Those used for dye are Puah and Rachpa.
ø' îàéø àåîø ãîéäï îúáòøéï òã ø''ä
(R. Meir): Biur must be done to their money before Rosh Hashana.
àîøå ìå ìäï àéï áéòåø ÷ì åçåîø ìãîéäï
(Chachamim to R. Meir): If they don't require Biur, certainly their money doesn't require it.
÷ìéôé øéîåï åäðõ ùìå ÷ìéôé àâåæéí åäâìòéðéï éù ìäï ùáéòéú åìãîéäï ùáéòéú
Pomegranate peels and its crown; nut shells and fruit pits - they and their money have the sanctity of Sheviis.
äöáò öåáò ìòöîå ìà éöáò áùëø ùàéï òåùéï ñçåøä áôéøåú ùáéòéú åìà ááëåøåú åìà áúøåîåú åìà áðáìåú åìà áèøéôåú åìà áù÷öéí åìà áøîùéí
One who paints (using dye extracted from Sheviis products) may paint for himself but not for pay, as one may not do business with Sheviis products, nor with firstborn animals, nor with Terumah, nor with carcasses or Tereifos, nor with reptiles or creeping things.
[ãó ðá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åìà éäà ìå÷ç éø÷åú ùãä åîåëø áùå÷ àáì äåà ìå÷è [ãó éç òîåã á] åáðå îåëø òì éãå ì÷ç ìòöîå åäåúéø îåúø ìîåëøå
One should not take field vegetables and sell them in the market, but he may gather them and have his son sell them for him. If took them for his own use and he had some left over, he may sell them.
ì÷ç áëåø ìîùúä áðå àå ìøâì åìà öøéê ìå îåúø ìîåëøå
If he bought a first-born to use at his son's wedding or for one of the festivals and he doesn't need it, he may sell it.
öéãé çéä òåôåú åãâéí ùðúîðä ìäï îéðéï èîàéï îåúø ìîåëøï
If hunters of wild animals, birds and fish happened to catch non-Kosher species, they may sell them.
ø' éäåãä àåîø àó îé ùðúîðä ìå ìôé ãøëå ìå÷ç åîåëø åáìáã ùìà úäà àåîðúå ìëê åçëîéí àåñøéï:
(R. Yehuda): Anyone who happened to catch a non-Kosher species may take it and sell it, as long as that's not his profession.
DYES AND BANDAGES (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 7 Halachah 1 Daf 18b)
âîøà öáéòéï ìàãí îäå ùéäà òìéäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
(Gemara) Question: (The Mishnah taught that something) used to make dye has the sanctity of Sheviis. What's the source for this?
ðéùîòðà îï äãà ìëí ëì ùäåà öåøê ìëí åúðé òìä ëâåï àëéìä åùúéä åñéëä åöáéòä éöàú îìåâî' ùàéðä àìà ìçåìéï éöàú àìåðúéï ùàéðä àìà ìúôéìéï
Answer: The pasuk states (Vayikra 25:6), "(And (the produce of) the Shabbos of the land) shall be yours (to eat for you)'' - anything you use for yourself (has the sanctity of Sheviis). And a Baraisa taught that these extra uses include eating, drinking, anointing and dyeing. (These things are considered normal use for most people). However, it excludes a Melugma (using it to prepare a bandage), as that is only done for the sick; and it excludes making 'Alintin' as it is used as healing for Tefelin (people who have lost their sense of taste).
øáé éåðä áòé åìîä éöàú îìåâîà ùàéï òìéä ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Question (R. Yona): The Baraisa taught that you cannot make a bandage because it's not a normal use as it's only done for the sick - if so, if it's only used for that purpose, it doesn't have the sanctity of Sheviis...
åäúðé ãï åöø åæøò àéñèéñ ùæåøòéï àåúï (áîåöàé) [á]ùáéòéú ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú çìä òìéäï
Baraisa: (Dyes called) Dan, Tzar and Istis seed that are planted in Sheviis have the sanctity of Sheviis. (But how are they different from a Melugma that doesn't have the sanctity of Sheviis?)
[ãó ðâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îéé ëãåï ìëí äùåä ìëåìëí
Answer: The pasuk says "shall be yours'' - only a use that is for all people (unlike Melugma which is only for the sick).
øáé éåñé áùí øáé ìà ùîò îï äãà úäéä àó ìäãì÷' äðø åìöáåò áä öáò
(R. Yosi citing R. Ila): You can learn it from the pasuk that says (Vayikra 25:7), "(And for your animals and for the beasts that are in your land, all of the produce) shall be (to eat)'' - even to use to kindle or dye.
åìà ðîöà îàáã àú àåëìé (áäîä)[àãí]
Question: Isn't he wasting food fit for human consumption?
úéôúø áöáéòéï ìàãí
Answer: Since it gives a significant benefit to man, it may used in this way.
àîø øáé îðà úéôúø áàåëìé áäîä ìàãí åìéú ùîò îéðéä ëìåí
(R. Mana): Perhaps the pasuk is only permitting dying with something fit for animal consumption, so your question (about something suitable for human consumption) cannot be answered from here.
öáòéï ìáäîä îäå ùéäà òìéäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Question: Do inferior dyes that are only used to benefit animals have the sanctity of Sheviis?
ðùîéòðà îï äãà ãòé÷ø äååøã åòé÷ø äàðä åòé÷ø äàåâ àéï áäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Answer (Baraisa): The root of a rosebush and of the Egeh tree and the Og (which are red colored and used for dyeing for animals) do not have the sanctity of Sheviis.
îéðé ëáéñåú îäå ùéäà òìéäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Question: May one use Sheviis products as detergents for washing clothes?
ðùîòéðà îï äãà äééøòéðï åäáåøéú åäàåäì éù ìäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Answer (Baraisa): Yairinan, Boris and Ohel (different cleansing agents) have the sanctity of Sheviis. (This shows that it's permitted to use Sheviis products as detergents.)
áùîéí îäå ùéäà òìéäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Question: Do spices (used only for smelling) have the sanctity of Sheviis?
ðùîéòðà îï äãà äôøç ìáï (åäàåøæ)[åäàåøï] àéï òìéäï ÷ãåùú ùáéòéú
Answer (Baraisa): The White Flower and Oren do not have the sanctity of Sheviis.
[ãó ðâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] çáøééà àîøé ãø''ù äéà ãø''ù àîø àéï ì÷èó ùáéòéú îôðé ùàéðå ôøé
(Chevraya): That Baraisa follows the view of R. Shimon who says that sap doesn't have the sanctity of Sheviis, because it is not a fruit.
øáé ùîåàì áùí øáé àáäå úôúø ãáøé äëì äéà áäãà ðñåøúà
(R. Shmuel citing R. Abahu): It could fit into all opinions, as it's speaking about a place called Nesorta (where those species don't have a smell).
îéðé àãì÷åú îä àéú ìê ëâåï ääï ô÷éòä åääï ååøã
Question: What's the law of species that are used only for kindling, such as the oil of wild pumpkin seeds and rose oil?
úðé áä úìú îéìéï òìéï ùìå éù ìäï ùáéòéú åìãîéäï ùáéòéú éù ìäï áéòåø åìãîéäï áéòåø
Answer (Baraisa): There are three laws pertaining to the rose - a) it's petals and their money have the sanctity of Sheviis; they and their money have an obligation of Biur.
ôé÷ä ùìå éù ìäï ùáéòéú åìãîéäï ùáéòéú àéï ìå áéòåø åìà ìãîéäï áéòåø
b) It's Pika (the place where the petals join the flower) and its money have the sanctity of Sheviis; but it and its money have no obligation of Biur.
òé÷ø ùìå àéï ìå ùáéòéú åìà ìãîéå ùáéòéú àéï ìå áéòåø åìà ìãîéå áéòåø
c) It's root and its money have neither of these laws - no sanctity and no obligation of Biur.
ø' éøîéä áòé ÷åîé ø' àáäå îäå ìëáåù îï ääï ååøã
Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Abahu): In Sheviis, may one marinate a rose in oil to bring out its smell (or is it considered wasting it)?
à''ì åëé éù ìå îìàëä àçøú
Answer (R. Abahu): Is it used for anything else? (No - so it's not considered wasting it.)
úðé øáé çééà àåëì àãí äåà
Baraisa (R. Chiya): Since it is suitable for human consumption and he is marinating it for its smell, he is wasting it.