

úåñ' ã"ä ìà ìîòåèé ùï åöôåøï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos first discusses Rashi's two questions, then how it is possible for Melikah with a tooth that is attached to be Kasher. In the process, they also compare Melikah using a tooth to Chalitzah using a tooth).

îä ùä÷ùä á÷åðèøñ ìàåúï ùîôøùéí ãàééøé áúìåùéí - ãìà ùééê ìîôøê 'úðéðà' îáøééúà, àìà àí ëï ùðåééä áîùðä ...


Question: What Rashi asks on those who establish it by Telushim, that the Gemara would not ask 'Tanina' from a Beraisa, only from a Mishnah ...

ðøàä ãìà ÷ùä, ãäà ðîé ùîòéðï îîúðé' áæáçéí áôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ãó ñç.) ãúðï 'îì÷ áñëéï, îèîà áâãéí à'áéú äáìéòä', àìîà úìåù ôñåì áîìé÷ä.


Refutation: ... is not really a Kashya, since we do actually learn it from the Mishnah in Zevachim (Perek Chatas ha'Of 68a), which states that if one performed Melikah with a knife, it renders Tamei the clothes of whoever eats it when it reaches his throat'; so we see that Melikah by Talush is Pasul.

åîéäå ÷ùä ÷åùéà àçøú ùä÷ùä - ãä"ì ìîéîø 'ìîòåèé úìåù', åäåé ëì úìåù áëìì.


Question: The other question that Rashi asks however - that the Gemara should rather have said 'Lim'utei Talush', incorporating all Talush, is a good Kashya?

åà"ú, åìôéøåùå ãàééøé áîçåáøéï, äéàê ùï ëùøä áîìé÷ä, äà áòé éîéï, ã'îì÷ áùîàì ôñåì', ëãúðï áôø÷ çèàú äòåó (â"æ ùí)?


Question: According to Rashi, who establishes it by Mechubar, how can Melikah using a tooth be Kasher, seeing as Melikah requires the right hand, as we have learned in the Mishnah in Perek Chatas ha'Of (Ibid.) 'Malak bi'Semol Pasul'?

åé"ì, ãìà ð÷è ùï ùéäà ùï ëùøä ìîìé÷ä, àìà ëìåîø ãìà îéôñì îèòí îçåáø ëîå áùçéèä.


Answer #1: The Gemara mentions 'Shein' (not because it is Kasher to perform Melikah, but) because it is not Pasul as far as Mechubar is concerned, as it is by Shechitah.

åòé"ì, ãùîàì âøò îùï, ëãàùëçï ìòðéï çìéöä - ãàîøéðï áôø÷ îöåú çìéöä (éáîåú ãó ÷ä.) ã'âéãîú çåìöú áùéðéä', åáéøåùìîé îùîò ãçìéöä áòé éîéï, ãàîøéðï áéøåùìîé 'ëéöã äéà òåùä? îúéøúå áéîéï, åúåôñúå áùîàì, åâåøøúå áéîéï, ëãé ùúäà çìéöä áéîéï åäúøä áéîéï?


Answer #2: Alternatively, the left hand is worse than a tooth, like we find by Chalitzah, which a woman without hands performs with her teeth, even though the Yerushalmi implies that it must be performed with the right hand, as we learned there 'How does she do it? She unties his shoelace with her right hand, then holds it with her left hand and pulls it off with her right, so that both the removal and the untying of the shoe she does with her right hand.

åùîà àéï ëì ëê øàéä, ããìîà ìéëà òéëåáà áéîéï, àìà ìëúçìä áòé éîéï, åäåà äãéï àí çìöä áùîàì ãçìéöúä ëùéøä.


Refutation: There is no real proof from there however, since it may well be that using the right hand by Chalitzah is not crucial to the Mitzvah, and is only necessary Lechatchilah, and even if she were to do it with the left-hand, it would also be valid (whereas Melikah is not).

åäà ãìà ÷àîø 'ìîòåèé ãåøñ', ãëùø ìîìé÷ä åôñåì ìùçéèä?


Implied Question: Why does the Gemara not answer that it comes to preclude 'Doreis' (where he presses on the Simanim)?

îùåí ãáäãéà ÷úðé ìä âáé ùçéèä áô' á' (ì÷îï ì:) ãôñåìä, ãúðï 'àí äúéæ àú äøàù ááú àçú, ôñåìä'.


Answer (Part 1): Because we have learned specifically in the Mishnah in the second Perek (Daf 30b) that this is Pasul - 'If he severed its head in one go, it [the Shechitah] is Pasul' ...

åàé àùîòéðï ãëùø áîìé÷ä, à"ë, ä"ì ìîúðé àôëà 'ôñåì áùçéèä ëùø áîìé÷ä' ãäåä îùîò ùôùåè ìðå áùçéèä.


Answer (Part 2): ... and if it was coming to teach us that severing the head by Melikah is Kasher, then it ought to have inverted the statement and said 'Pasul bi'Shechitah, Kasher bi'Melikah', implying that the Din by Shechitah is obvious.'



úåñ' ã"ä àéìéîà ìîòåèé òé÷åø ñéîðéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos queries Rashi's explanation [that Ikur renders the animal T'reifah] and explains how the Sugya fits better according to the Halachos Gedolos).

ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ, ãáòé÷åø ñéîðéï äåé èøôä.


Explanation #1: According to Rashi, who holds that Ikur Simanim is a T'reifah ...

úéîä, àîàé àöèøéê ìàùîåòé' ãëé äéëé ãòé÷åø ôñåì áùçéèä, ôñåì ðîé áîìé÷ä? îàéï äéä ìðå ìäëùéø áîìé÷ä éåúø îáùçéèä ...


Question #1 (Part 1): ... why is it necessary to teach us that, just as Ikur is Pasul by Shechitah, so too, is it Pasul by Melikah? On what grounds would we have validated it by Melikah more than by Shechitah?

åäìà îì÷ åðîöà èøôä ôñåì ìëåìé òìîà, àìà ãôìéâé áæáçéí áôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ãó ñè.) àé îìé÷ä îèäøú îèåîàú ðáìú òåó èäåø àå ìàå?


Question #1 (Part 2): ... seeing as a bird that is found after Melikah to be T'reifah is unanimously considered Pasul (and they only argue in Zevachim in Perek Chatas ha'Of (69a) whether Melikah renders a bird Tahor from the Tum'ah of Nivlas Of Tahor or not?

åëï úéîä ìøáà áø ÷éñé, ã÷àîø 'ìà àîø øîé áø éçæ÷àì àéï òé÷åø ñéîðéí ìòåó àìà áîìé÷ä åìà áùçéèä'; îàé ùðà ãð÷è òé÷åø îëì ùàø èøéôåú?


Question #2: And similarly, one can ask on Rava bar Kisi, who maintains that Rami bar Chama confines Ikur Simanim to Melikah and not to Shechitah - Why does he mention Ikur more than any other kind of T'reifus?

åëï úéîä, ã÷àîø áñîåê 'ìà àîøï àìà ìî"ã àéï ùçéèä ìòåó îï äúåøä, àáì ìî"ã éù ùçéèä ìòåó îï äúåøä, éù òé÷åø'. äéàê úìåé æä áæä, î"î äåà àñåø îùåí èøôä, ãîä ìé èøôä æå, åîä ìé èøôä àçøú?


Question #3 (Part 1): The Gemara will say shortly that we only say that there is no Ikur Simanim by a bird according to the opinion that holds that the Shechitah of a bird is not min ha'Torah, but according to those that it is, Ikur does apply. What has one got to do with the other, seeing as it is forbidden because it is T'reifah? What is this the difference between this T'reifus and any other T'reifus?

ãëéåï ùðèøó äòåó, ùåá àéï îåòéì ìå ðçéøä àìà ìäåöéà îéãé ðáéìä, ìîàï ãàîø àéï ùçéèä ìòåó îï äúåøä, ëãîåëç áøéù äùåçè (ì÷îï ëç.)?


Question #3 (Part 2): ... because, seeing as the bird has become T'reifah, Nechirah will no longer help either, other than to take it out of the realm of Neveilah, according to the opinion that holds 'Ein Shechitah la'Of min ha'Torah, as is evident at the beginning of ha'Shochet (Daf 28a)?

àáì ìãáøé äìëåú âãåìåú àúéà ëåìä ñåâéà ùôéø, ãìà äåé èøôä òì éãé ùçéèú ñéîðéï. åìäëé ÷àîø 'àéìéîà ìîòåèé òé÷åø ñéîðéï' - ëé äéëé ãäìëúà âîéøé ìä ãàéï äùçéèä îåòìú ùí, àó òì ôé ùàéðå ðèøó áëê, ëîå ëï áîìé÷ä, ùåá àéðå ðîì÷ àó òì ôé ùàéðå èøôä.


Explanation #2 (Part 1): According to the opinion of the Halachos Gedolos however, who holds that Ikur does not render the bird a T'reifah, the entire Sugya is crystal-clear. That is why the Gemara says 'If you say that it comes to preclude Ikur Simanim" - then, just as there is a Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai that the Shechitah is not effective there, even though it does not become a T'reifah through that, so too, by Melikah, it is no longer subject to Melikah, even though it is not a T'reifah ...

'åäà úðé øîé áø éçæ÷àì ... ' - åôìéâ à'ääéà ã'ðùîèä äâøâøú', ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ.


Explanation #2 (Part 2): ... 'But did Rami bar Yechezkel not quote a Beraisa ... '? And he argues with the ruling of 'Nishm'tah ha'Gargeres ... ', as Rashi explains.

àáì àäê ãúðé ìåé 'ëì èøôåú ùîðå çëîéí ááäîä ëðâãå áòåó' ìà ôìéâ, ãàôéìå ááäîä àéðä èøôä áëê.


Explanation #2 (Part 3): Though he does not argue with the Beraisa quoted by Levi 'Kol T'reifos she'Manu Chachamim bi'Veheimah Kenegdo be'Of ' , seeing as Ikur does not render even an animal a T'reifah.

àáì ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ôìéâ ðîé à'ìåé.


Explanation #1: ... whereas according to Rashi, he will argue with Levi's Beraisa, too.

åðéçà äùúà ãøáà áø ÷éñé åëåìä ñåâéà.


Explanation #2 (Part 4): According to the Halachos Gedolos, Rava bar Kisi and the entire Sugya fits together nicely.



úåñ' ã"ä ìà àîøï àìà ìî"ã àéï ùçéèä ìòåó îï äúåøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Halachah of Nivlas Of Tahor that is Metam'in Begadim a'Beis ha'Beliah, according to this opinion and related issues).

àéï ìä÷ùåú ìãéãéä, äéëé îùëçú 'ðáìú òåó èäåø ãîèîà áâãéí à'áéú äáìéòä'?


Refutation of Question (Part 1): One cannot ask according to him, how it is possible to find a case of Nivlas Of Tahor that renders Tamei the clothes of the one who eats it' ...

ãðäé ãìà áòé ùçéèä, ðçéøä îéäà áòé áñéîðéï ...


Refutation of Question (Part 2): ... since, although a bird does not require Shechitah, it does however, require Nechirah on the Simanim ...

ëãîåëç ì÷îï áøéù ôø÷ á' (ãó ëç.) ã÷àîø 'îì÷ áñëéï, îèîà áâãéí à'áéú äáìéòä - åàé àîøú àéï ùçéèä ìòåó îï äúåøä, ðäé ðîé ãëéåï ãúáø ùãøä åîôø÷ú, äåéà èøôä, úéäðé ìä ñëéï ìèäøä îéãé ðáìä?'


Source: ... as is evident later, at the beginning of the second Perek (28a) where it asks 'Malak be'Sakin, Metamei Begadim a'Beis ha'Beli'ah' - and if we would hold that a bird is not subject to Shechitah min ha'Torah, granted that, since he has broken the Spinal cord and the nape, it is a T'reifah, nevertheless, let the knife now render it Tahor from Neveilah?

àìîà ñéîðéï ãå÷à îèäøéï, åáùãøä åîôø÷ú çùéá èøôä. (åäùúà (îùëçú ðáìú òåó èäåø ëùçúê ùãøä åîôø÷ú åøåá áùø ÷åãí ùäâéò ìñéîï úéäðé ìéä ñëéï ìèäåøé îéãé ðáéìä).


Conclusion: So we see that it requires specifically the Simanim to render it Tahor, whereas the spine and the nape, render it a T'reifah.

åäà ãð÷è áäúëìú (îðçåú îä.) âáé "ðáìä åèøôä ìà éàëìå äëäðéí". 'ãàöèøéê, ñã"à äåàéì åàùúøé îìé÷ä âáééäå, àùúøé ðîé ðáìä' ...


Implied Question: Why does the Gemara in 'ha'Techeiles (Manachos 45a), regarding the Pasuk "Neveilah u'Tereifah Lo Yochlu ha'Kohanim", state that it is necessary, because we would otherwise have thought that, since Melikah is permitted by the Kohanim, Neveilah is permitted too?

ìàå ãå÷à, ãðáìä ìà äåé, ëãîåëç ì÷îï, îä ùäáàúé îôø÷ á' (ì÷îï ãó ëç.), àìà ëìåîø - èøôä, å÷øà ð÷è "ðáìä" àâá "èøôä".


Answer: It does mean Davka 'Neveilah', but T'reifah, as is evident later from Perek ha'Shochet (28.), which Tosfos cited earlier (in the previous DH), and it mentions Neveilah on account of T'reifah.




úåñ' ã"ä îôðé ùäåà îçìéã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos presents various definitions of Chaladah and discusses them).

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ, ìàçø ùðôø÷å ôø÷é äòöí, ðåòõ äñëéï úçú äòöí; ìôé ùàéï äòöí îúôùè ìëàï åìëàï ëãøê ùàø áéú äùçéèä ëùçåúëéï àåúå àìà òåîã áî÷åîå - åëùçåúê äñëéï úçú äòöí äåéà çìãä.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that after the sections of the bone have parted, the Shochet sticks the knife underneath the bone; this is because the bone, does not part in opposite directions when it is cut (in the way that flesh does), but tends to remain as it is - and when the knife subsequently cuts underneath the bone, that is Chaladah.

(åìôéëê) [åìôéøåùå] ìà àééøé áñëéï øçáä.


Semi-Question: According to Rashi's explanation, the Gemara is not talking about a broad knife.

åðøàä ãçùéá çìãä - ìôé ùùåçè äñéîðéï îîèä ìîòìä, åàôé' áñëéï øçáä.


Explanation #2: It would seem however, that it is considered Chaladah when he cuts the Simanim in an upward direction (instead of downwards), even using a broad knife.

åáæáçéí ôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ãó ñç:) ôé' á÷åðèøñ ã'îçìéã ìôé ùðåòõ øàùå ùì ñëéï, îùåí ùàéðå øåöä ìçúåê øåá áùø ÷åãí äñéîðéí.


Explanation #3: In Perek Chatas ha'Of (Zevachim 68.) Rashi defines 'Machlid' as where he presses the top of the knife downwards, to avoid cutting the majority of the flesh before the Simanim ...

åëàï à"à ìåîø ëï, ã÷øé ìéä îçìéã àó òì âá ãñ"ã ùçåúê øåá áùø.


Refutation: It is impossible to explain the Gemara here like that however, seeing as it calls it Machlid, even though we initially think that he cuts the majority of the flesh as well.



úåñ' ã"ä åúé÷ùé ìê òåìú äòåó ãáòéà ùðé ñéîðéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos establishes the Kashya both according to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon and according to the Rabbanan).

áéï ìøáðï áéï ìø' àìòæø áø' ùîòåï ôøéê, ëãôé' á÷åðè'.


Clarification: The Gemara is asking both according to the Rabbanan and according to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon, as Rashi explains.